This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.
What college student or young adult doesn’t love Trader Joe’s. Here are some essentials I always pick up during spring/summertime! I also always try to make a list of things that I know that I need. This helps me not get totally carried away with the new products. This also helps me to stay on budget.
- Cold brew coffee: This is a relatively new item, and definitely an essential on my list, especially during finals season.
- Ready to go salads: Trader Joe’s has a lot of great options for ready-to-go salads. While these may not be the best for the environment with all the plastic, I definitely always pick up at least one when I’m shopping. They are a perfect meal to have in your fridge for lunch or dinner whenever you are in a time crunch
- Immunity shots: These are something I typically pick up only during finals or midterms. The extra boost definitely refreshes me.
- Seltzer: Trader Joe’s always has the best flavors of seltzer, definitely pick some up on your next trip in!
- Dark chocolate drizzled plantain chips: My friend made me try these, as they were never something I would buy. They are absolutely delicious and are a perfect late-night snack for anyone with a sweet tooth.
- Almond butter: Trader Joe’s has almond butter that doesn’t break the bank, with it still having a clean label. I recommend!
- Brown rice cakes: One of my absolute essentials. You can have them plain, add toppings. One of my favorite breakfasts is brown rice cakes with almond butter and either banana or blueberries! These are a must-have staple in my pantry
Those are just a couple of my favorites, but definitely let me know what yours are!