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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

This year has been challenging, stressful, confusing, worrisome, and a little insane for me. We have all been so impacted by the effects of COVID and there has been a lot of stress in different aspects of life, especially when it comes to employment. I have worked at Dunkin now for over four and a half years, and this year has by far been the most stressful when it comes to keeping everything organized and working in customer service. I definitely do not think I could be getting through these times and my days at work if it weren’t for my amazing co-workers who I am so thankful for. I think of my co-workers as family, and I know that they always have my back in stressful situations. We all have each other to count on and have gone through so much together. 

I am not only writing this for my co-workers but for all service workers. Our jobs have gotten increasingly harder and more difficult to deal with ever since the pandemic hit. Stress has spread amongst everyone, and we have gotten the short end of the stick. I understand just how hard it can be to deal with everything, and I have so much respect for all service and healthcare workers during this time. 


Man holding a smoothie and smiling.
Photo by Vince Flemming from Unsplash


As I said, I do not think I could go through each day at work without my co-workers who are like family to me. We all understand each others’ stress levels and we all lean on each other. We crack jokes to get each other through the day, and we have each other to vent to if need be. There is a certain understanding that is created through working alongside each other through times like these, and I think it has brought us even closer. 

Service workers deserve the benefit of the doubt. We work extremely long days and we feel drained. So, saying this, thank you to my awesome co-workers who still keep me a little bit sane after my days at work. Thank you for the laughs, the jokes, the hugs, the shoulders to cry on, and the listening ears. I love you guys! We got this. 

Kasidy Bidelspacher

Millersville '22

Dancer. Writer. Lover. I am a twenty-one-year-old junior with a psychology major. I am just going about my life trying to spread more love :) Check out my published poetry book on Amazon and eKindle called "Lotus Flowers" !