Managing your time can be challenging, especially while being in college. Having a social life, a job, and taking part in extracurricular activities can take a serious toll on your mental health if you do not create a balance for yourself. Personally, I have had a lot of self-growth in the past year and have been able to create a daily routine and improve my time management. I used to the type of person who HATED being alone, but now I look forward to the time in a day that I set aside for myself. What works for me is not going to be exactly what works for you, but there is always something new to be learned that might help!Â
At first, meditation may seem very out of reach for some people who are not in touch with their spirituality or inner-being, but the great thing about meditation is that it can be molded to whatever you want. I started meditating to try and create a time in my day where I can be completely out of touch with everything except myself. Overthinking is a specialty of mine, and meditating has really helped me get out of a crowded headspace. There are many types of meditations to try, until you find what works best for you! Guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, even yoga is considered a form of meditation. Taking even five minutes of your day to disconnect from the busy of life, and your phone, can help heal your mind and give you a better sense of being.Â
Set a ScheduleÂ
Setting a weekly or even monthly schedule for yourself can really improve your mood and the amount of free time you have. There is no need to always spread yourself thin, if you set out what you want to do in a week then it will be easier to see when you have to say no. Making a schedule can also help you see what you prioritize, and if any changes need to be made to those priorities. Making a to do list for my week is something I enjoy because it lets me see the positive things that I look forward to doing in my upcoming week. It can also help you acknowledge when you have a busy week approaching, so when the business hits, you do not feel as stressed.Â
Be available for something you enjoyÂ
It is so important that in your daily routine that you are doing something that is not just work or school or a task on your list. Your body and mind need to do something that releases serotonin and makes you happy. Personally, I have really gotten into fitness and have enjoyed working out on the daily. There is such a broad range of ways to workout which I really love because I never feel bored. I push myself every day to work out because it feels good for me. What feels good for you could be anything! Doing makeup, creating art, listening to music, dancing, anything can be beneficial if you are enjoying it. Self-care and how to better your mind is something that is frequently brushed off or not spoken about. You have all the power to create a beautiful and balanced life, just take your time to find what works for you!