The clouds are separating, the temperature is rising, and the birds are chirping again–it’s springtime! Spring is the beginning of the warm weather that is about to come and gives a sense of relief for those that deal with the downs of the winter months. Sometimes, those bright horizons can be a little further than what’s expected if you’re in Michigan. So, in the meantime, here are some things to prepare yourself for the blooming flowers and newborn animals.
- Take Some Time for Yourself
The winter months can be depressing and dark for some people (myself included). So, when those first real rays of sunshine come down from the sky, it feels like a sense of relief gets lifted off the shoulders. Taking the first few days of spring to rejuvenate and restore yourself is okay, and you should not feel guilty for doing so. We all have needs, and this can be a really good time to take care of yourself.
- Spring Cleaning
This goes far beyond just cleaning your bedroom. I’m talking about deep closet and drawer cleaning. What works best for me is by taking each article of clothing out and thinking about whether I have worn it in the past year. If it’s a yes, then keep it. If it’s a no, send it to a second-hand store like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Clean out the pantry that has month-old Oreo’s in it and that stale bag of Dorito’s. De-clutter your workspace and get rid of any papers you may not need anymore. And don’t forget to open the blinds and crack open a window to let the fresh air in.
- Lighten Things Up
I’m talking about wardrobe, natural lighting, and decorations. Remember all of those grey and black clothes that you just gave to Goodwill? Well, it’s time to replace them with bright, new clothes to get yourself ready for the spring season ahead. Personally, I will go to a second-hand store and shop through all of the new finds (because a lot of people are doing the exact same thing). Also, as I said before, open the blinds! Let that sun shine through your windows. Sit in the sun for a bit if you can. It’s good for you! And lastly, decorations. Now I’m not talking about putting bunnies and carrots all over your living space–think more like cleaning the clock that hasn’t been dusted since you first got it or repainting that cabinet that has a huge chip in it. There’s a lot of lightning that can go on in just a few simple steps.
Spring time can be a fun, warm, and uplifting time for many. I hope you take this time to let yourself rejuvenate and let go of any bad energies that may have been following you during the winter months. And when that first flower blossoms, just know that that is the sign of the joys of spring starting. Enjoy it all! Happy spring!