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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Love languages: the way one person may experience and perceive love. There are five different love languages, words of affirmation, physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, and acts of service. I will be explaining a few things that can help you recognize your own love language, as well as give tips on how to please your partner depending on their own love language. First, let’s look at words of affirmation…


Words of affirmation are easy to understand and attribute to your partner. Those who identify with this love language appreciate the extra words of encouragement here and there. They like the reminder that you love them and need to hear the words to keep them afloat. If you like knowing where you and your partner are, or what they like about you, but need verbal reassurance, your love language may be words of affirmation. If this is your partner’s love language, good ways of communication include, empathizing with them, listening to them actively, appreciating them and their efforts, as well as encouraging them. This is not to say to baby them and tell them constantly what they want to hear, but maybe at the end of the day take the time to ask them how it went and to let them know you love them.


Physical Touch is not for everyone, but for some people, it is a huge part of how they perceive love. If you feel you most enjoy your partner’s company when they give you hugs and are more invasive of their space, your love language may be physical touch. You like to be shown physical affection and prioritize sneaking in a hug or holding your partner’s hand. If your partner’s love language is physical touch, you can emphasize your love by making sure you hold them close when you are watching a movie, hold their hand while walking around; give them physical assurance you want to be with them.


This love language may sound pretentious, but it is very sweet when you dive deeper into what receiving gifts means. Those who appreciate gifts, also enjoy giving gifts because they believe this exchange of physical belongings is very meaningful and sentimental. If you cherish and hold onto presents your partner gives to you, as well as get excited to surprise them with a little something, your love language may be receiving gifts. If your partner’s love language is receiving gifts, some things you can do are express your gratitude when receiving a gift from them; your reaction and how much you love it are very important to them. You can also speak to them purposefully and show them they are your number one priority when you are spending time together.


For those who value spending meaningful time with their partners, quality time is for you. If you find yourself needing time dedicated to you and for your partner to give you undivided attention when alone, your love language may be quality time. This is, in fact, my love language, and I found communicating to my partner that I enjoy time at least once a week when we can be together with no distractions really strengthened our relationship. Something you can do if your partner enjoys quality time is showing them you remember the small moments and you like creating new ones. Trips are huge and honestly the best gifts to receive. It means you get to spend a few days just the two of you. One-on-one time is crucial and making sure you put time aside for them that is undivided and dedicated to the two of you will go a long way.


The last love language is acts of service. If you enjoy when your partner puts in the extra effort to help you clean, or comfort you, or make you breakfast in bed, your love language may be acts of service. You enjoy the little acts of kindness and help. A partner who is able to lend a hand and show you they care through service is the partner for you. If you’re with someone who enjoys acts of service, help them clean the house at the end of the day, take out the trash without asking, make them their favorite dinner. These people like to know you are connected, so asking them to help out and showing them, you are paying attention to the little things is very important.


ABC/Craig Sjodin

After learning a little about these love languages, what’s yours? You and your partner can take the quiz at, https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/, and find out ways to strengthen your relationship. Hope this helped and keep on loving.

Amelia Fox

Tulane '23

Amelia is a junior at Tulane University, studying English and Communications. When not in class or writing for Her Campus she likes to go for walks, listen to Podcasts, and find new ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She is dedicated to keeping her material informative, but also personal, connecting with the reader and sharing her experiences with each topic.