This month of March marks the 34thĀ annual Womenā€™s History Month and with this brings a world of reflection, gratitude and contentment with who I am and who I surround myself with on a day-to-day basis. This also allows for overall reflection on who I have looked up to and idolized throughout my life, whether they be a family member, political figure or entertainer. From a young age, I always found myself entranced and fascinated by the powerful women around me and shown to me by our society and how they came to be who they are today or, in other words, their origin stories.
In most cases, these individuals would acknowledge the powerful women that came before them if asked about why they do what they do and how they got so far in their fields, creating an endless cycle of female brilliance and power oozing with influence and prestige. This could be a mother, a sister, a teacher, an athlete or a friend that allowed them to see the true meaning and motivation behind their passions in life and how they could see their full potential before said individual could even dream of it.
For me, I have had the privilege of knowing, supporting and coming from a long line of dynamic women and have looked up to them for all of my twenty years on this Earth. With the ups and downs of life and love, it is incredibly vital that we as young women can point to other influential women and realize our own full potentials and bright futures from the moment it can resonate with us as we do not know how high we can strive and dream for unless we see successful examples in front of us.
As for me and the long line of women before me, we have a special relationship, one that holds true through time and space and one that has allowed me to be where I am today as a student, writer and active member of my community. I have no option but to thank them. My mother, my sister, every woman in my family tree, my friends, my sorority sisters, women in leadership positions and every single woman who graced any cover or screen who looks like my friends and I.
Simple and effective representation on all platforms allows a human like myself to realize their potential and expand their confidence, and I am a prime example. From struggling with years of anxiety and shyness to entering womanhood with poise and courage, I have done a complete 180 in terms of how I approach the world and every obstacle I have faced and will face in the future. With each situation, I grow as a human and woman;Ā hopefullyĀ one that can and will be looked up to in the future.Ā
As this month comes and goes, remember to reflect on the women in your life and how they have shaped you into the person you are today, who shaped and influenced them on their journey and how you and your actions will impact the future. The history of my gender is one of great triumph, and we have all been put here to add and expand to it, and this is only the beginning!