If you’re anything like me, the beginning of the semester brings a lot of emotions. At first, I feel excited for a new semester, eager to take in new knowledge, excited to meet my professors, and ready to work alongside my new classmates. However, the opposite also comes along with it. What if my teachers are stern? What if my courses are too hard? What if my workload is too much? What if I don’t do as well as I want to?
So many emotions at once!
It is important to take a deep breath and to remind yourself that everything is going to be okay!
I have compiled a list of things that help me stop this anxiety in its tracks and that allow me to get prepped for some amazing learning opportunities. Â
Here are a few things to look forward to this semester!
Being able to jump back into a routine.
The ability to learn from experienced professors!Â
The ability to take new, interesting courses!Â
The opportunity to meet new classmates and collaborate with peers.
The opportunity to be back in your college town, surrounded by familiar faces and favorite spots.Â
Here are a few organizational strategies!
Print out your syllabuses!Â
Have a calendar & mark your due dates!Â
I personally use two calendars: one that shows the whole month, and another that goes week by week. I like that I am able to see my assignments and classes on a weekly basis, side by side, and with a more in-depth view of each.Â
Write down your homework assignments!
Keep your professor’s email addresses in a safe place!Â
Write down any and all passwords you need for your university and individual courses! Â
Here are a few reminders!Â
- Take the semester one day at a time!Â
Often, when we look at the grand scheme of things or look at the semester as a whole, we tend to get overwhelmed. It is important to take the semester one day at a time. More importantly, go through the day one class at a time! Focusing only on what you have in front of you today will alleviate some stress and help make the semester more manageable.Â
- Find time for relaxation!Â
Like I mentioned, starting a packed semester and having a busy course load makes it easy to become overwhelmed. It is important to take care of yourself. After all, your mental health is far more important than any grade. Make sure you set aside time for things that make you feel good. I know for me that can be as simple as a bubble bath, a good book, a new Netflix movie, or even a long walk.Â
- Find time for fun!Â
Similar to the point about setting aside the time to relax and unwind, it is important to have fun, as well. Make it a priority to grab dinner with a friend, play a board game, or treat yourself by celebrating Bachelor Mondays!Â
- Give yourself credit!Â
There is no doubt that college and being in your 20’s is hard. Give yourself credit for where you are at and how far you have come!Â
Whether you are taking classes online or have the opportunity to be back on campus within the classroom, remember to take things one step at a time! These pointers have helped me navigate and work through difficult semesters, and I hope they can do the same for you!Â
Cheers to a happy, healthy, and stress-free spring semester!