We have all been there: feeling lower than low, not being productive at all, or utterly feeling worthless. The cliché phrase, “it’s okay to not be okay,” is true. I have been learning that it is okay not to have it together all the time and to just continue your day. I think you should congratulate yourself every time you get out of the bed and do any type of work.
Each success in your life should be celebrated, and not compared to everyone else around you. It can be easy to get caught up in what people choose to show of their life. We only show the successes, the good relationships, the internships, and the promotions.
But what about the rejections, the heartbreaks, the failures? Those are just as important to our self-journey as the triumphs.
Recently, it has been hard for me. I have been watching so many things happen for my friends and family such as new internships and job opportunities and I kept thinking, when will it be my turn? When will it finally be my chance to hear the applause instead of always giving it? I decided that I should stop comparing my journey to that of others. I realize that everything happens in God’s timing so I know that my time will come. Just because my journey is a little slower, does not make me any less worthy of an opportunity. I’m writing this article to highlight a low point in my life, not a triumph. People around me assume that I always have it together, when sometimes I’m falling apart as well.
This is for you, to let you know it will get better and it is okay to feel down on yourself sometimes, but do not make this feeling permanent.
Remember who you are and your worth. The rest will be written for you.