Another semester of remote learning can be difficult for a lot of students. It can be tricky making your space comfortable to live in as well as learn in, as a lot of students, like myself, prefer in person learning and studying in the comfort of the library or another building on campus. Since we really don’t have much of an option, it is our job to make our bedrooms as comfortable as can be when we are online learning! Here are some tips on how to make your room comfortable and productive for your remote learning experience!
1. Plants, plants and more plants
Buying plants, whether they are real or fake, are such a great way to accessorize your room and/or desk area. It makes you feel less trapped inside and creates such a homey environment for when you have those late night study sessions or early morning Zoom calls!
2. Candles
Candles are another great way to add warmth and relaxation to your bedroom. I always have a candle on when I do my work because it is super de-stressing. I mean, the great smell and warmth from the candle, how can you hate that?! But be sure to use a flameless candle if you are in a dorm room, since there is a strict no open-flame policy.
3. Humidifier
Humidifiers are something that aren’t crucial to enhance learning, but I find them genuinely beneficial to your well-being. When you are stuck inside all of the time, learning in one room or one home, the air, especially in the winter, can become dry leading to a sore throat or other symptoms that could make you feel a bit under the weather. When classes are a priority, staying healthy is a must. Buying a humidifier for your desk is totally worth the money. You can buy pretty cheap ones on Amazon, and they work so well!
4. Wall cork board and white board calendar
It goes without saying that being organized for your classes is so important. It is very difficult to stay perfectly organized and focused when classes are remote, and it is especially easy to become side tracked and lose control of all of your assignments. Keeping a cork board and calendar on your wall or near your desk is a great way to remember your weekly tasks and pin up syllabi! You can also add some cute pictures of your friends and family or famous quotes to motivate you to work hard!
5. An organized desk that fits your aesthetic needs
Lastly, but surely not least, is making sure you have a desk that is organized but also super cute and fitting to your personality! You won’t be able to get work done if you are sitting at a boring desk you don’t enjoy working at. On my desk, I have a plaque with an inspiring quote, a desk lamp, a cute clock, and a little container of pens and pencils. I have a mirror and my whiteboard right above my desk, as well as hanging lights, my humidifier and some fake plants right near me too. It really does help having a cozier environment to work in.
I hope this article full of tips helped you all feel a little less stressed out about remote learning. It’s important to make the most of what we have right now during this pandemic, so if that includes a little bit of a room redecoration, then get right on it!