1. Take time for yourself to practice self-care
While you and your partner are apart, it is normal to feel sad at times. That is why practicing self-care is so important. Take the time you need to feel better when you get sad about the distance. Self-care is when you decide to focus on your physical, emotional, and mental health. Practicing self-care can look a little different for everyone, so try out a few self-care methods to see what works best for you!
2. Get involved
Getting involved in your school can help you find new and exciting things to be a part of, apart from your partner. In relationships, it is likely that you both do not have exactly the same interests, which is why it can be fun to get involved with things that you personally love to do while your partner is away. There are many ways you can get connected to different school clubs and communities on campus.Â
3. Find supportive friends
Having a supportive friend group helps you experience good companionship while your partner is away. Sometimes you will need a friend to talk to and vent to about the struggles of being apart from your partner. Finding friends who will listen and support you no matter what will help you get through the loneliness of long distance.Â
4. Get to know yourselfÂ
College is the place to get out of your comfort zone and really find out who you are. When you are in college, there is no pressure to be someone you are not. So be authentically you. Getting to know yourself involves putting yourself first and living to your own standards. Let go of the standards others have set for you and pave your way by making your own life. You can learn to grow and watch as your partner grows in life even if it is at a distance.
5. Do not be afraid to try new things
Trying new things can be a really awesome part of the college experience. You can focus on your hobbies or find completely new ones! If you are presented with awesome opportunities, do not hold yourself back. Do the things you really want to try. Do that internship, take that semester abroad, start that school club. Your partner should encourage you along the way.Â
6. Be understanding with your partner
Seeing changes in your partner when you are apart can be scary, but it is okay. Chances are, they are trying to find themselves and are learning to adjust to being an adult, just like you. Be understanding and supportive of your partner as they find new hobbies, make new friends, and grow as a person. You and your partner should have open and honest conversations about life and the changes you are experiencing.Â
7. Include your partner in your daily life
You can include your partner in your daily life by using video chat apps. You can video call your partner when you are doing normal daily things such as homework, making yourself dinner, or even on taking walks around campus. When you try to include your partner when you do your daily routine, it can almost feel like they are with you, even though they are still very far away.Â
8. Do not forget to put time and effort into your relationship
Finding a balance between school, extracurricular activities, a job, taking time for yourself, and your relationship can be overwhelming. Try to have a routine and find a specific time every day that you know you can communicate with your partner. You can opt for calling them or video calling them. When you talk to your partner, you can have quality conversations with them and work everyday towards making your relationship stronger and making sure your partner feels loved.Â
9. Take it day by day
There might be days when you feel like giving up on your relationship because of the distance, and that is normal. You are not alone. On those days, remember the reasons why you love your partner. Do not forget the reasons why you are fighting to keep your relationship alive. The strongest relationships are the ones who fight for each other through the good, the bad, and the sad.Â