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November National Holidays That Should Be Celebrated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Thanksgiving isn’t the only holiday celebrated in November! There are actually multiple holidays celebrated every day of the month and a good amount of them deserve to hold much more weight, significance and attention in today’s society; especially with all that 2020 has brought us. So while you should definitely be pulling out the loose sweatpants and getting ready to eat your fill on Turkey Day, consider these upcoming hidden holidays in the month of November.


November 1: National Author’s Day


I’m so excited to have discovered this gem of a holiday. I’m definitely a little biased because of my major in Journalism, but I know that authors deserve much more appreciation. They have the capability of spurring the deepest thoughts, emotions and images in your mind through the use of just words. Imagine being that talented! Keeping that in mind, I’d say that this day should be celebrated for not just authors, but writers in general! Because everyone that has a knack for writing can use it to connect with others and bring their ideas to life, whether it’s for entertainment, self-help, information, etc. This day could be taken as a way to celebrate the inspired, talented writers of the Her Campus community, too!


November 13: World Kindness Day


Kindness goes a long way. In a time when everything is so uncertain and divided, it’s easy for people to get caught up in all of it and let their mental health slip. If something has to remain constant through all the ups and downs that life can bring us, especially this past year, let it be our kindness. The saying “You never know what someone is going through” is so commonly used, but do people really let it make an impact on how they live their day to day lives? Kindness shouldn’t be celebrated just one day a year, but each and every day. Something as simple as a smile or a compliment can be the reason someone sees the good in their life.


November 18: National Princess Day


I prefer the term queen over princess because the image of a queen is just so much more powerful and independent, but princess is close enough! November 18th is a good day to celebrate and unleash the queen (or princess) that you are – fully and completely in control of how your fairytale life plays out. The highs in your life will be high, and inversely, the lows will be low. But you have the strength to handle it with the elegance and confidence as a queen would. Plus, the way a queen looks to her royal family members for consultation, you can always turn to your closest friends for support.


November 21: National Survivors of Suicide Day


Mental health is something that’s important year-round. As sad as it is to think about, suicide happens each and every day. It can be more common to people during the holiday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas included, when people tend to be surrounded by loved ones. Every single day we should celebrate those that have survived suicide attempts and continue to live each day despite the difficulties that mental illness can bring about. That is a strength that many of us will never be able to understand, but what’s most important is that we make a continuous effort to acknowledge survivors’ courage and be kind and supportive to those around us. You can be the reason someone decides to stay another day.


The entire month of November is also used to bring awareness to Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes. These are two conditions that so many people live with. It requires strength and patience not only for those suffering from it but also for their loved ones. So let’s use this month to reflect on being grateful for our own health, while also remembering how important it is to raise awareness about the prominence of Alzheimer’s and Diabetes – two conditions that affect the lives of so many people, whether they themselves have it or a loved one does.


I’m not saying that Thanksgiving should move out of the way so that these holidays get a little more recognition. I’d say Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to give thanks for talents (like writing), being in a relationship or being single, our ability to be kind and receive kindness, our independence, our health, and the strength and life in those around us. So as each of these dates cross your path, just take the time to be conscious of how you can celebrate these November national holidays and bring them into your everyday, simple choices.

Megan Lim

Montclair '23

Megan is currently a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in Journalism and minoring in Social Work. Not only does she aspire to be the best writer she can possibly be, but she hopes to be the best version of herself there is at all! Whether that means getting good grades, helping those around her, getting involved, working out, or letting herself binge-watch movies - she wants to do it all. Anything that has to do with self-growth, she's doing it!
Lauren Clemente recent graduate from Montclair State University who studied Communication and Media Arts. She held the role of President and Co-Campus Correspondent, as well as Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus Montclair. She loves all things to do with content creation, fashion + beauty and traveling the world.