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Tips to Stay Motivated the Last Few Weeks of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

At this point in the semester, almost everyone feels burnt out. We have had almost eleven full weeks of school with almost no days off or breaks. We’re tired and need to take a rest, but we still have three more weeks of school, then finals, to go. Here are some tips to stay motivated and avoid burnout as much as possible!

1. Take a night off

Obviously, this is much easier said than done, but sometimes all you need to feel rejuvenated is a night without any school whatsoever. If you don’t have any urgent assignments, I highly recommend you take nights off every once in a while. If you are working with no breaks, it is really easy to get burnt out. Giving yourself a night off can often be the break you need that motivates you to work hard the next day!

2. Treat yourself

Often times I feel more productive and on top of things after I have a nice cup of coffee or a nice treat. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to a sweet treat or drink when you’re feeling tired or burnt out. My favorite mid-study drinks are the White Hot Chocolate and the Chocolate Chai Tea Lattes from Whispers. I guarantee you will more be more motivated after having a sweet treat!

3. Go outside

With mostly online classes and being overloaded with work, it’s really easy to stay inside for most of the day. However, I encourage you to take breaks to go for a walk, run, or even just do some work outside. It’s nice to get some fresh air and always makes me feel more motivated to do work.

4. Do a workout

Working out makes me feel much more productive and stronger. Working out lets you take your mind off of school and feel your best. I also usually feel very motivated at the end of my workouts to get my schoolwork done! I highly recommend going outside to workout (I love running in Forest Park), but if you want to stay inside there are so many online workout videos that are as short as 10 minutes long!

5. Decide when you will stop doing work

It’s easy to feel like school is taking over our lives these days. Something I have done that makes me feel like I have a break from the constant feed of assignments and papers is to set a time every day when I will finish my work and be done for the night. Having this concrete time to be done with school and focus on other things gives a nice barrier between school and the rest of my life, which helps me feel more motivated when I actually have to do school.

6. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel

Yes, we have three more weeks left, but at the same time, it’s only three more weeks. We’re almost at the finish line – try to finish the semester strong!

Lydia Sidrys

Wash U '24

Hi! I am a first-year at WashU from Chicago and am interested in studying International and Area Studies!
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