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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Importance Of Being Grateful This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Although COVID-19 has significantly impacted how most of us will spend Thanksgiving this year, the heartfelt sentiment behind gathering with the people you love over the holiday season doesn’t have to disappear. Okay, seeing your relatives over FaceTime definitely does not have the same effect as receiving that warm hug in person. Neither does the fact that you no longer have an excuse to dress up just to sit in the living room.

The truth is: no matter how or with who you choose to spend your holidays, the closeness that accompanies the season should remain intact. The reality is, despite the setback that has been 2020, there is still always something to be grateful for. 

Woman in front of laptop with mask on
Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

Even though 2020 has brought about so many changes and hardships, from social distancing to mask regulations, the Thanksgiving and Christmas season is meant to signify the end of the year. Here’s a gentle way to remind yourself to be present as you contemplate how blessed you feel:

1. Make a Gratitude List

Make a small list of everyday luxuries that you are thankful for and include the obvious: food, water, shelter, and health. Afterward, note down any specific acts of kindness that occurred to you and write down a way that you will pay this kindness forward in the future.

2. Reflect on the Important People

Be grateful for all the key and constant people in your life: your family, friends, and mentors. Then, be appreciative of all the people from your past who have helped shape you into who you are today. Don’t forget to, also, be thankful for the random people that you met along the way.

3. Reflect on the Moments + Places

Recall a hard time in your life when you struggled through a problem and then meditate on how your life has changed since then. Be kind to yourself as you think back on mistakes and difficult choices, and embrace the good moments that made you feel happy and bright.

4. Reflect on Your Talents

Lastly, give yourself a celebratory pat on the back as you reflect on your own talents. Being humble is a certified trademark in gratitude but, once in a while, you should relish and enjoy the feeling of completion. Thank the universe for that difficult task and reward yourself for following through.

Whether it’s virtual or in person, there has never been a more significant time to be grateful than this holiday season. As we deal with new circumstances and are thrusted into novel realities, we must remember that it’s the little things that truly make a difference.

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Daniela Gonzalez is a 21-year-old HerCampus Writer at Florida International University. She is currently double-majoring in Political Science and International Relations while acquiring certificates in Pre-Law and National Security. She enjoys writing about lifestyle, wellness, and politics. When she is not writing, she loves to travel, go out to eat, and spend time with her friends and family.