On January 25th, 2016 the show Lucifer aired on Fox. The show has now been picked up by Netflix after it was canceled on Fox. The plot of the show is that the devil, Lucifer, decided that he wanted to take a vacation and retired from working in hell so he moved to LA. Lucifer then decides that he wants to do police work with Detective Decker, and they start to work on cases together. This show gives us a different view of Lucifer, for example like Supernatural the Lucifer is just angry and doesn’t care at all for god. But in this series you can see that this Lucifer still cares for his father even though he was cast out of heaven.
Throughout the show, we follow Lucifer Morningstar. He is the main character but the show also shows a lot of Chloe Decker, Mazikeen Smith, and Linda Martin. We meet more characters as the seasons continue on and follow more through the series. Lucifer is played by the one and only Tom Ellis, he plays the character beyond well. He is my favorite actor that plays Lucifer, however we do see that the character Lucifer constantly changes throughout the 5 seasons that have been released. The character development is clear as day and is one of the best ones I have seen.
Just this year in 2020, they released season 5 with only 8 episodes in the seasons. Leaving fans waiting for more and having to rewatch the series to satisfy the need to watch it! I highly recommend it for those who like to watch shows with Supernatural beings, the storyline is really well thought out and it fits together perfectly.