I don’t know about you guys but it feels like every day I am spending more and more time sitting at my desk doing school work. Not only is school work pretty life consuming, but right now the opportunities to get out of the house are few to none. Even the little opportunities here and there to get out and socialize seem kind of tainted because I am nervous for my own health and I am afraid I will get in trouble with the University.
Hi. Hello, yes. If you haven’t guessed at this point, I am 100% an introvert. It is so easy for me right now to sit in my room from dusk till dawn working on assignments, logging onto Zoom classes and meetings, and only taking a few breaks here and there to play on my phone. But I have found that when I force myself to step away from my school work and actually leave my room, I feel more energized for the days to come. To help me get out of an “introverted rut” as I like to call it, I have been incorporating these three things into my daily routine.Â
Get outside. – These past few weeks the weather has been beautiful! Going for hikes at Land Between the Lakes and walks around campus have quickly become my favorite part of the day. A nice change of scenery and fresh air make me feel refreshed and give me a clear point of view.
Socialize. – Whether it is grabbing a coffee with a friend or FaceTiming a pal, I make sure that each day I have some positive interaction. Making the time to catch up with a friend always helps to relax my brain a little bit and never fails to put me in a better mood. I have found that when I am frustrated about an assignment or a class, it is so freeing to be able to talk it out and get advice from someone with an outside point of view.
Write. – Writing is one of my favorite ways to reflect. Whether things are going good or going bad, putting words down on paper helps me reflect on my day and cope with the craziness. At the end of the day, I take note of how I’m feeling, what I’m thankful for, and what I am looking forward to. It often isn’t long or pretty, but it helps me keep my life in perspective.