Since the lockdowns and quarantines started in March, everyone’s lives were thrown up in the air, and we are all stuck working or studying from home. I found it really helpful throughout my quarantine to add some simple self care exercises to my daily routine. During these crazy times, it’s important to take time for yourself just to be in the moment and breathe. So here are my tips on easy ways to add self care to you daily routine:
1. Meditation
   Meditation is a great way to start or end your day—this grounding exercise can help you to relieve stress and just be in the moment. There are many different types of meditation: there’s mantras which are things you believe or want to happen, and you speak them allowed. You can also just sit in silence and focus on setting an intention for the day, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to feel throughout your day. There is also breath meditation, which is the meditation that I practice. This is just simply sitting and breathing, sometimes counting how many breaths you take. In this type of meditation you simply let thoughts float by, and try not to notice when a thought pops into your head. This is just to be in the present, not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You can either meditate in silence, or have soothing music in the background, and you can be in any type of position that feels comfortable to you, sitting, standing, or lying down. You can also meditate for however long you want, 5 minutes or an hour, it’s completely up to you. What I like most about meditation is that it can be whatever you need it to be, meaning that every one who meditates does it differently, according to their needs and emotions.Â
2. AffirmationsÂ
  Affirmations are positive messages that you speak to yourself. They are usually spoken out loud and contain phrases like, “I can do this,” “I am enough,” or whatever you think that your mind needs to hear. I usually write many affirmations down in addition to speaking them aloud in case I want to go back and use those affirmations again. The reason that the phrases are spoken aloud is because you are putting out all the things you believe about yourself into the universe, stating them clearly and truthfully. Affirmations help to affirm what we already know about our sleeves, and diminish the doubts that we have about our abilities.Â
3. ReadingÂ
  Reading is a good way to get out of your own head and get wrapped up in someone else’s words. Especially since we’re all stuck inside, you can read books that take place in far off lands and escape your room for a little while. Reading also helps to strengthen your brain power, and mental capacity. For me, reading is a way to escape stress or anxiety that I may be feeling, and helps me to set aside time for myself. The book can be whatever you want it to be, fiction or nonfiction, or even a magazine or newspaper. It’s also good to not look at your phone or laptop for a couple of minutes and actually read the words on the paper in front of you.
4. Journaling
   Journaling is a good way of processing emotions or just thinking through your day. You can write in a stream of consciousness, writing down whatever it is that you feel in that moment. You can also do a recap of your day, or plan for what you’re going to do tomorrow. You can write in a blank notebook or you can use a guided journal with prompts to help you write. I personally like to write in two journals by Meera Lee Patel who is an author and an artist. I use her “Start Where You Are” journal, and also her “Made out of Starts” journal. These journals include prompts and quotes by inspirational people. Whichever way you decide to write journaling is a good way to express yourself and what you’re feeling. Â
5. Yoga
  Yoga is a great way to physically deal with stress in your daily life. Because of the pandemic, you can do yoga in your room, outside, or anywhere else in your house that has enough room. There are thousands of yoga videos on YouTube that you can follow along with, and there are also many different types of yoga. There’s the yin type of yoga that focuses on breathing and grounding yourself, with more cooling poses and mediation. Vinyasa flow yoga focuses on the flow of your breath and involves more movement and heat in stretches. Whichever type you choose yoga is a good way to be present and dedicate time for yourself.Â
These 5 ways of practicing self care can help you to feel more blanched and at peace in your daily life.