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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Having a routine can either be super helpful or rather constraining. I have not always been diligent about maintaining routines, but due to the pandemic and heightened stresses of 2020 in all, I decided to map out some wind down activities.  The goal here is to promote health by keeping clean and preparing for a good night’s rest. 


  • By 9:00pm, I am in my dorm.  Hopefully done with work, but if not, at least I am in my sweats and with the comfort of my own space. 

  • If I am still doing work, I make sure to wear my blue light blocking glasses! Without the blockers, the harmful light throws off your body’s biological cues of what time it is and you might have trouble sleeping. 

  • Brew some tea.  I prefer chamomile with lavender because it is caffeine free and delicious. The tea is soothing and hydrating.  It is also a good treat in place of late night snacking, which might  cause trouble sleeping. 

  • Turn on my salt lamp… something about it… just comforting. 

  • Play some chill music… disney classical has been my go to lately. 

  • Hygiene stuff! Brush teeth, wash face, moisturize & treat skin.

  • Take my vitamins. For me, this is vit D & B12, magnesium, and fish oil.  

  • Journal and or gratitudes.  I am not the best about journaling, especially when the days are all so similar, but the trick here is to just start by listing 3 things I am grateful for.  Sometimes that is it for the journal entry, sometimes I feel compelled to write more. Either way, practicing gratitude is important. 

  • Review of what’s on my plate for tomorrow.  

  • Prayers

  • 10 min of yoga: side stretch, neck rolls, hip rolls, rag doll, lunges, cat and cow, seated twist, inversions, seated forward stretch. 

  • I end my yoga with a little foot massage. It helps to loosen the tension that is held in the connective tissue rooted in your feet. 

  • Read a chapter or watch an episode while enjoying that tea! 

  • Eye mask and sleep!

Rachel is a junior at Denison double majoring in Geoscience and Educational Studies. In addition to contributing to HerCampus, Rachel loves backpacking, reading, swimming, and listening to her favorite band, Pearl Jam.