They nurture in the spring
They come in green
They hang and sway with the wind
It’s summer and they still sway
But those leaves
That change colors
As autumn arrives
And like the season’s name
The leaves change colour
They change to the warm colours
Leaves, leaves everywhere.
They change in a blink of an eye
During the warmth of Fall
They turn a mellow yellow
They turn a dark brown
They turn a burnt red
With the end of Fall
The leaves go back to the ground
But to come again when autumn arises again.
The leaves that bring the shades of Fall with them.
Only to fall to their destiny
Only to go back to the roots
To become soil and wait
For Fall to end
And winter to come.
Leaves, leaves
They leave us with warmth and comfort
And that is the end of Fall
As the leaves fall.