Admit it, lying in bed and opening UberEats or Yelp to order your favorite food is a convenience you never want to throw away. Dining in at your favorite restaurants can easily turn into a guilty pleasure. Little do you know, a short walk to the kitchen and a little bit of prep time can save you so much money and time. The next time you plan to order food, think about how easy and fun it might be to try making on your own or with the help of some friends!
Personally, cooking at home brings a sense of comfort to me. Growing up, I cherished being able to have delicious home-cooked meals every night. Of course, occasionally, my family would indulge by dining at our favorite restaurants, but since quarantine, cooking has become a favorite hobby of mine. Â
- Tacos
Tacos are definitely a favorite food shared by many. Before I learned how to make my own at home, I remember spending about $15 for a whole meal at a local taqueria. Although cooking at home can seem less convenient, buying the ingredients for tacos will help you in the long run, whereas delivering it is a one-time delicacy. The best part about making them at home is your freedom to customize them however you want them! This recipe is super savory and has become my favorite, along with my roommates.Â
- Spring Rolls
Spring rolls are definitely one of the easiest, most delicious Vietnamese dishes I have learned to cook over the years. It can also be customizable depending on the type of meat you choose to have in your roll. In Vietnamese, spring rolls are called gỏi cuốn (goy cu-wan). This meal is extremely special to me because I always grew up eating it with my grandparents, family-style. This recipe for gỏi cuốn is simple and easy to follow, for anyone to enjoy!Â
- Avocado Toast
This next dish seems a bit too simple to be on here, yet some restaurants still want to charge people for an overpriced plate of bread, avocado and egg. I don’t necessarily remember when avocado toast became a trend, but I’m here to tell you it’s much easier than Instagram foodie accounts made it look. This recipe is good for beginners and tastes even better than it looks.Â