According to stereotypes, journaling is exclusive to teenagers and always starts with the words, “dear diary.” However, with the rise of the “self-care” movement, journaling has become more popular among young adults and has been scientifically proven to have many benefits to one’s life.
Strengthens Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is defined as being aware and in control of emotions in oneself or in one’s relationships. Since journaling is a way to process emotions, it increases self-awareness and the ability to emphasize. This allows for a better understanding of others and makes a deeper connection with people more possible.
Reduces Stress: Stress can be extremely harmful to a person’s health so it is important to find different ways to manage it. Journaling is an effective way to do this. In a 2005 Cambridge study, it was proved that expressive writing for only 15 to 20 minutes a day lowers blood pressure and improves liver functionality.
Increases IQ: Journaling allows a person to push their boundaries of vocabulary and explore their language more in-depth. In a report from the University of Victoria, it is noted that “writing as part of language learning has a positive correlation with intelligence.”
Improves Immune Function: Both decreasing risks of illness and strengthening your immunity are benefits of journaling. Because expressive writing improves liver and lung function, your body is more able to combat certain illnesses and diseases. According to Scientific American, it has even been reported to help the wounded heal faster.
Keeps Memory Sharp: Journaling helps keep your brain functioning well. It not only boosts one’s memory and comprehension, but it also allows for greater memory capacity.
To some, journaling can seem like too much of a time-consuming task despite all the health benefits. However, even the smallest amount of writing is beneficial, and it can be helpful to start with smaller prompts at the start and end of each day. For example, in the morning, you can write down any goals or anxieties that you have going into that day. Then, before you go to bed, you can quickly write down one thing you learned and one thing that made you smile. Just doing as little writing as this every day can change your life for the better!