Stay-at-home orders are over in most parts of the country, and many people are beginning to get outside and enjoy the summer weather. It’s important to remember that we still have to do our parts for the sake of our health and others. Here’s what we can do to help:
- Wear a Mask
Masks help prevent the spread by keeping respiratory droplets contained. I wear a mask every time I leave, and experts recommend that masks be changed or washed every day. For a few weeks, I was using a denim mask that had to be tied around the back of my head; while these were effective, it was a bit troublesome having to re-tie it every time I removed it and put it back on throughout the day. I recently got the Essex 3 Pack from Bonrisu, and I couldn’t be happier with these! The reason I initially used a mask with ties was that other masks with elastics weren’t secure enough, but these have adjustable straps to solve that issue. Bonrisu’s masks are handmade with two layers of premium cotton that you would find in dress shirts and a layer of muslin cotton to improve filtration. Each mask also contains an inner pocket that allows you to add a PM 2.5 filter. These are incredibly soft, cute, comfortable and effective masks, and I highly recommend them! If you’d like to purchase some, you can use HC10 for 10% off, and this code will be valid for the next two weeks. I’ll be buying a different set soon as well!
- Maintain Social Distancing and Wash Your Hands Frequently
Besides wearing masks, we can also do our part by staying six feet apart from each other and washing our hands frequently. When you’re outside, it’s harder to do the latter given that many public restrooms are closed – or, if they’re open, you might not want to take your chances by using them – so I recommend carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer on you at all times. Purell is hard to come by right now, but Clinical Supplies has these 100mL Hand Sanitizer bottles ready to ship. I carry one in my bag every time I leave just to make sure I can clean my hands every so often when I’m outside. They also carry lightweight, disposable FDA registered KN95 masks and are one of the few retailers with a consistent supply of 3M N95 masks. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my order shipped, and I recommend looking into their hand sanitizer and disposable masks so you can have some when you’re on the go! You can use SAFE5 for 5% off your order.
- Do Small Acts of Kindness
Lastly, it’s incredibly important to remember that small acts of kindness make all the difference. The next time you see your friends, family or loved ones, bring them something to show how much you missed them and care about them. You can give them a handmade gift, a letter, homemade brownies – even toilet paper would be much appreciated at this point. If you’re not much of a baker, cookies from Mami’s Baking are a good choice for any dessert lovers in need of a treat. They offer gourmet, 1/4 lb. cookies and ship throughout the U.S. and Canada. I had the pleasure of trying six of their cookies – Gourmet Sprinkle, Flor’s Lemon Cheesecake, Crownie, Red Velvet Delight, Gimmee S’more and Grandaddypurp. The Crownie was my favorite, and Red Velvet Delight was a close second! As someone who loves both brownies and cookies, the soft and chewy Crownie was the perfect mixture of the two baked goods. Red Velvet Delight had a surprisingly yummy sweet cream cheese filling, and I’d love to have it again soon! These cookies are the perfect gift for anyone coming out of quarantine. You can use 20OFF4DAD for 20% off your order until Father’s Day.
I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy, and enjoy the rest of the summer :)