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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Wow, its May 2020. The time we have been talking about for years, college graduation. In my opinion, college graduation is a huge deal compared to high school. We moved away from home, learned to be independent, and found ourselves through getting involved on campus. For me, this was the first experience that really changed my normal life and routine. I learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. 

Oneonta was my top school from the moment I stepped foot on campus. The sense of community and the welcoming atmosphere made it feel like a place I saw myself calling my second home. My freshmen year did not go as expected, as I ended up transferring home for a year. I don’t regret this decision, because it helped confirm my career path and mature more before leaving home again. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to come back to Oneonta a year later and finish my bachelor’s degree. After coming back, I realized everything I missed the first time while being distracted by homesickness. I started getting involved and connecting with friends I had previously met.

My spring semester junior year was the semester where I finally felt I had adjusted to college life. I had three great roommates, who continued to be my roommates and best friends to this day. I enjoyed hanging out in my dorm and exploring Oneonta. I finally felt what college was all about. I was ok being away and being independent. I actually dealt with several health problems at the time, but I weirdly still experienced my favorite times then. No matter what I was going through, I had the best support system to get through it. I will always look back on that semester as the turning point in my college career.

I am truly sad with how my senior year ended, at home away from campus. I always pictured my last semester hanging out with my roommates, participating in all of the senior traditions, and most importantly, May graduation. My roommates and I talked about our graduation caps and all the pictures we were going to take. I am grateful that we will still have this experience in August, as I, like many, desire closure for our time at Oneonta.

Being involved in many clubs on campus, I had been involved in planning events for the end of the semester, which we did not get to see take place. I think the aspect that hurts me the most is that when I left for spring break, I had no idea that that would be my last time on campus, “as normal.” I always dreaded the moment where I would say goodbye to my friends, professors, residence hall, and campus in general, and it came much sooner than expected. In some ways, maybe this was a good thing, as I am not good at goodbyes! I just wish I had the opportunity to really enjoy my final moments on campus and say my goodbyes on my own terms.

With the end of the semester here, I just felt it necessary to write one last article. HerCampus has allowed me to grow as a writer and find my voice while in college. I met wonderful people, and I look forward to seeing what this club does going forward. I will never know how to thank my professors, mentors, and friends who helped me get to where I am today. Most importantly, I need to thank my roommates and my family. My current roommate and quad mate truly took me in when I came back to campus and welcomed me into their friend group.They helped make my college experience so great, and I will miss them the most. I know we will be friends for the long run, but I will always cherish the times we shared living together. From the late-night talks to the many daily Starbucks runs, they were always there for me and helped me adjust to Oneonta. For my family, they helped me through everything. My mom was always there for FaceTime and phone calls whenever I needed it. I know I was not easy to deal with, especially when I had a bad day! I have grown from attending SUNY Oneonta, and I look forward to always being a Red Dragon. Happy Graduation May Grads!




Hey! I’m Emily and I am a senior Communications major at SUNY Oneonta! I love to play flute and tennis, and be with my family and friends! I can’t wait to write more articles this semester, and share them with everyone!