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5 Creative Ways Of Organizing Your Bookshelf

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

In times of quarantine, our inner organization self may be screaming for a new makeover challenge, and there is nothing more satisfying than (re)organizing your bookshelf. But from where should you start? It depends on what objects you want to expose along with your books, as well as what kind of design you are looking forward to display in the room. I have some pretty good tips to share about creative ways of doing it!

By color

This is one of my favorites and the way I am displaying my own books right now! The rule is simple: reunite the books with the same color and rearrange them in your shelf. You can make a gradient sequence or mix it all up, put in stacks or side by side. A little tip for you: add some decoration lights to your shelf, it will bring a special atmosphere and enhance the colors. Anyway, go crazy!

By size

If you like things to be very neat, maybe this is the one for you. Group your books by their sizes and put them in descending or ascending order. If you want to make it more personal, a nice thing to do is to display some decorating objects above the books, like a cute mug or your Funko Pop collection.


As we got a lot of time during the quarantine, this one could be a fun challenge! Organizing your books alphabetically can be a good idea if you have a big collection, because it makes it easier to find the title your are looking for. Want to give it a try?

By author

If you are a fan of some authors and want to highlight them in your bookshelf, there is no better way of doing it. For example, I have the whole Harry Potter collection, which was written by J.K. Rowling, so I could put them all together and decorate with objects that make me remember of the saga, such as a music box with Hedwig’s theme. 

By genre

If you are an eccentric reader, this fits you perfectly! Group your romances, thrillers, mysteries, fictions, poetries and academic books. Sometimes we want to read a light book, like on a cozy friday night, or maybe start a deep philosophical one. If you choose to organize in this way, it will be easier for you to pick your next reading, as you will clearly see what subject is more appealing to you in that moment. 


I do not know you, but I always have a quite big list of books that I want to read next. To keep my goal right in front of me, I like to make a special room for them, placing all together, side by side. It keeps me motivated for my next reading :)


The article above was edited by Mel Trench. 

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Mel Trench

Casper Libero '20

I’m a journalism in formation, really near graduating! You’ll probably find me reading a book, drawing, talking about Harry Potter, taking pictures or just telling some story. Hope you enjoy my articles :) Her Campus Casper Libero Feature Editor
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.