Although quarantine really limits day to day activities, there is one thing that you can do that is really fun, that can cure your boredom during this time. One of my favorite activities to do during quarantine is going on a drive and looking at the sunset. The thing about this activity is that you can do it at any time of year, sunsets are beautiful, and you are following the social distance rule. Sunsets are the best because of all the vibrant colors. They remind you of summer, and the lighting for pictures is amazing. Going on drives is also great because it gives you an opportunity to leave your house and allows you to get a change of scenery.
If you combine these two activities together, you really get the best of both worlds. This is because you get the chance to leave the house while witnessing a coral, yellow, and orange explosion. Sunsets remind us that the endings can be good and that even on the worst days, sunsets can give you a reason to smile about. Sunsets remind us that even though we are living in a time of uncertainty, even thoughĀ the darkness, there is a light at the end of theĀ tunnel. Current times are stressful and life is kind of hard at the moment, but sunsets might make you feel a little more at peace with the current situation.