COVID-19 has drastically spread throughout the United States, affecting individuals from all parts of the country. While the Virus has disrupted many individuals, many “spring breakers” and others found time to travel around the world despite COVID-19’s rapid outbreak.
Florida, specifically the Southern region, has always been notorious for attracting spring breakers from all around the United States – with many college students preplanning their trip months in advance. With the rising spread of COVID-19 and the alleged “low chances” of members of the younger generation contracting the virus, many spring breakers continue their plans for spring break. According to Tampa Bay Times, Clearwater Beach in Tampa, Florida saw over thousands of spring breakers with social groups ranging from one to fifty members – and even FSU students. On Mar. 18th, the Tampa mayor announced the closure of beaches in the Tampa area – including Clearwater Beach and seem to set the trend for the rest of the State of Florida. Miami Beach, the most notorious “spring breaker” beach in Florida announced its closure on Mar. 18th and is said to last until mid-April 2020.
As for international and nationwide travel, airline prices have been extremely low. While many individuals planned trips in the States, those who made last-minute plans to travel were in for a surprise. Plane tickets to foreign countries, such as Cancun, Mexico, ranged from $100 or less one way from various cities – such as Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The concern that raises with airlines lowering the prices of their international tickets is that they are indirectly promoting the spread of COVID-19 by continuing to provide many individuals with the opportunity to travel to specific foreign countries at a lower price that is inevitably more appealing and attracting to the average American’s eye. However, with the new travel bans set in place by the United States, many airlines that travel to foreign countries – such as Italy – have canceled specific flights going to countries where COVID-19 has widely affected the population.
In regard to nationwide travel, flights have yet to cease activity. Flights continue to travel from state to state while taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the passengers, flight attendants, pilots, and other people who are in contact with one another on the aircrafts being used to travel nationally. If you were to go on JetBlue’s site and type in a one-way ticket to LAX (Los Angeles) from the Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida for the first week of April, you would find a ticket for $19 before tax. If you plan on coming back at the end of that week, a return ticket from California to Florida will also be $19 before tax. On an average day, a one-way ticket to California from Florida would be no less than $200 – on a good day.
To see the drastic decrease in ticket price is an example of how the demand for these flights are no longer high. While many individuals are shielding themselves from travel, others are utilizing this pandemic to their personal advantage – such as traveling around the States. While this may be exciting in the short-run, it has long-term effects – especially with a majority of the United States having to self-quarantine and practice social distancing.
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