It’s been nearly two weeks post-Super Tuesday and all of the polls are closed aside from the states of Georgia and Ohio who pushed their primary due to the rapid spread of Coronavirus; seven candidates were vying for the 1,338 delegates of fifteen states hoping to come closer to reaching the 1,991 delegates necessary to secure the amount that would grant them an outright majority. Presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed the most significant wins of the night including the states of Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas, among others. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders secured the second largest number of delegates including major wins in the states of Vermont, Colorado, and California. Former Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg had one Super Tuesday win which included the American Samoa caucuses.
The most notable part of Super Tuesday was the surprising surge of Presidential Candidate Joe Biden with his win in ten of the fifteen states of the night. Some have credited this surprising win in part to the endorsement of Biden by House Majority Whip, Jim Clyburn. Many questioned what Biden’s win meant for the Democratic party, but that now has become more clear. Over the past weeks, multiple candidates have suspended their races for the democratic nominee for president. Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Michael Bloomberg all suspended their campaigns and one-by-one began to come out with their endorsement of Presidential Candidate Joe Biden as the best fit to be the democratic nominee for the 2020 election. Elizabeth Warren was the last of the four to suspend her campaign and has yet to announce her endorsement of either of the two major candidates.
Although Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are the primary candidates of focus, there remains one more candidate in the race; Tulsi Gabbard. Despite securing only one delegate, Gabbard has refused to withdraw her name from the presidential race for the Democratic nominee. It is only a matter of time until she, too, will suspend her campaign for the presidential nominee and only two men will remain; Sanders and Biden. The past Tuesday (March 10, 2019) was also another important day in the primaries as several states moved to the polls to cast their vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.
One question remains; Who will Elizabeth Warren endorse and when will she choose to do so? It is hard to imagine that the progressive former candidate would endorse Bernie Sanders following comments he made in regards to her ability as a woman to successfully run for office. However, that being said, is Presidential Candidate Joe Biden too moderate to win the endorsement and support of progressive Elizabeth Warren? Only time will tell as we move closer towards the United States Presidential Election of 2020.