Two days ago it was announced that Baseball’s Spring Training would be suspended indefinitely, and opening day is being pushed back at least two whole weeks. As someone who’s had a countdown timer for my team’s opening day since January, this is yet another devastatingĀ casualty in the spread of the Coronavirus. Baseball fans around the world are left to wonder, what do we do now? We can’t even watch other sports because it’s the same story. This is supposed to be the best time to be a sports fan, but it has quickly become the worst as we’re left to stare at ESPNĀ scrambling to provide some sort of content while we wait. Want to take matters into your own hands? Here are some suggestions!
- Sports Entertainment Writers
You might remember Gabrielle’s famous Muppets thread on MLB teams. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve gotta drop whatever you’re doing and experience that ASAP!
- Sports Media
There are specific journals, podcasts, and websites dedicated to covering every second of every sport. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about your favorite sport, or a sport you’re unfamiliar with.Ā Ever wonder why the National league has so many different rules than the superior American league? Now is the time to find out!
- Sports Fans
We’re all in this together; baseball, basketball, hockey, golf…everyĀ sports fan knows this feeling now. Like never before, we have something to share our frustration about together. And we really need to come together through this difficult time,Ā something has got to happen before ESPN is left to startĀ streaming Esports 24/7.
- Highlight Reels
While we’re not getting any new game play for the foreseeable future, there is so much action to look back on. As someone who regularly watches highlights from the 2002 record breaking Oakland Athletics; it’s not a bad way to spend a night.
- Baseball Movies
I personally watched Moneyball last night and it still holds up as the greatest movie of all time!
Yogi Berra said, “The game of baseball isn’t over until it’s over,” and we have to believe that, it’ll get us through!