I want to first say Happy International Women’s Day to everyone! Us gals are a force to be reckoned with, and I could not be prouder of how far womankind has come!
While I will always be proud to be a woman, sometimes I forget to acknowledge it. When I’m feeling sad, angry or bloated, I forget what it is to be a woman. A woman is someone that is strong, powerful, soft, kind, gentle, intelligent in their own way and are countless other things. I think we lose our self-worth in the noise and bright lights of the world. Here are some ways to remember that you are a boss babe!
The first thing I recommend doing is putting your phone down! Take a break from all of the social media. All women are beautiful, and we all have different things about us that make us shine, but we have to remember that women who post only their new Gucci purchases or vacation to Costa Rica are only showing you their highlights. No one has their make-up done all the time, and no one’s hair looks that good all the time. All women cry. All women have felt low self-esteem. No one, not even Jennifer Aniston, is exempt from having a food baby. So I suggest getting off of social media and looking outside. Instead of looking down, look up!
I don’t know about you, but I love getting involved in a good challenge, working really hard to solving it and then succeeding. It makes me feel like I can conquer anything! Maybe this goes for you too. Try going for a jog, or solving a puzzle or downloading a fun game you might like to beat a few levels on. You don’t have to learn calculus in a day, but just putting your mind to something and solving can give you the boost of confidence you need to be reminded that there is an entire day named after us women!
I think sometimes we forget that it is ok to let emotions come through. We are told and tell ourselves that crying shows weakness or that we have been defeated. But I say that letting out your sadness, madness or whatever you are feeling is worthy of being let out. So find an outlet. Do something that helps get your emotions out rather it be drawing, writing, dancing (as Meredith and Christina would from Grey’s Anatomy), eating your favorite ice cream or whatever safe method gives you happiness to make the sad go away. A beautiful thing about women is that we are emotional. If we weren’t supposed to emote, we would be able to feel anything. So I say be brave and catch the feelings. Embrace your womanhood!
This may sound cliché, but it is important to remember that every day is International Women’s Day. It feels great as a woman to have a day dedicated to how far women have progressed, but we don’t need a day to keep the progression going. So whatever you decide to do in celebration for International Women’s Day, wake up the next morning knowing that the celebration is not over. It is a gift to be a woman, and we should celebrate in mini ways every day by being kind to others, doing our best in school and being ourselves because we are awesome!
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