I’m voting in the 2020 presidential primary election and so should you. No matter what state you live in or what your political affiliation is, it’s extremely important to vote in both primaries and elections. Let’s start off with the basics, what is a primary? The primary is a time when people vote to determine which candidates will end up on the ballot. In the case of the presidential election, voting in the primary impacts who the presidential candidates are in the general election in November. Being an active voter impacts the future of the country’s politics and it is vital for people who can vote to do just that.
I turned eighteen last April and one of my first thoughts was “I get to finally vote!” I knew that every vote counted and I was excited to make a change. That’s why I was shocked to learn that some of my college friends are uninterested in voting during the primaries. Some view it as pointless, others don’t like any of the candidates, some just laugh it off and say that they’re too lazy to get out and vote. I’ve spent time talking with them about the importance of voting and I will continue until they realize the value of voting. It’s especially important for us younger generations to exercise our right to vote. Our views differ from those of older generations and voting for the candidates we want will change our country for the better.
It’s easy to feel disconnected from the world, especially on a small college campus in rural Ohio. But this shouldn’t prevent someone from sending in an absentee ballot or taking the time to drive to their polling place. Encouraging others to vote too will help spread awareness about the benefits of voting. My absentee ballot is being sent to Minnesota as I type this and I couldn’t be more excited. Join me in being an active voter! It’s not too late to decide to vote if you’re registered, check out the link below to see when your state’s primary date is.