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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

      Like many other women, I love to pamper myself before going out with my friends. Nothing brings me more joy than to get myself together with a nice mani-pedi or maybe a trip to the salon. More importantly, I love to hit the streets knowing that I look good! I had already notified my girls that we were going to have a night to remember. Little did I know, getting ready for a Girls Night Out would be an absolute disaster!

    There were a couple of things that needed to be taken care of before I could begin my night. For starters, my hair needed to be absolutely laid and slayed! I’d scheduled a hair appointment for 11:00 a.m. that morning. In preparation for my appointment, I woke up around 8:30 a.m. to wash and blow dry my hair. After that task was completed, I made a trip to the beauty supply store. There, I purchased my new bundles, a pair of gorgeous lashes, and a new tube of clear lip gloss just to make sure I went into the new year right. I had not had any complications, and everything was running right on track. I made my way over to my beautician’s house. After about two hours, I left looking absolutely fabulous! I looked good, so I felt good!

    On my way home, I decided to stop by Arch2Arch to get my eyebrows and upper lip waxed, as I often did after getting my hair done. I checked in as usual and waited for them to call me back. It did not take much time for them to call me, which was convenient since I still had to get ready for the night. I sat in the chair, and the lady, who was doing my eyebrows, pulled out the thread.

    “Oh, I asked for them to be waxed,” I said quickly.

    “Waxing would be twelve dollars,” she explained.

    “Really? Just two weeks ago waxing was ten dollars,” I responded.

    At this point, I was frustrated, and the woman could tell. However, I figured beauty is pain and got my eyebrows threaded reluctantly. She finished my brows and moved on to waxing my upper lip. The woman dipped the stick into the burning hot wax and smeared it across my lip without even blowing it first! I winced, but beauty is pain, right? Then, she proceeded to put an entire wax strip across my lip. If you have ever gotten your upper lip wax, you know that they typically do this part in little sections. The woman placed the strip and carelessly ripped it off. I felt a sting like no other and opened my eyes to see her dabbing at my face with a tissue. I looked in the mirror to see my upper lip covered in blood! I was furious. The woman showed me to the counter and explained that I did not have a ton pay for the upper lip wax because she had burned me so badly. “Thank you. I’ll be back in a few minutes with my mom,” I said sternly. 

    I stormed out of Arch2Arch and called my mom immediately to tell her what had happened. By the sound of my screaming, she thought I wrecked the car. I came home quickly so that she could see my hideous scar. “Grab your purse,” she commanded. With that, we quickly headed back up Arch2Arch. Being that this was my first mishap with someone providing me a service, I let my mother do all the talking. However, once we left, I decided that my torn up face was not going to ruin my night. I quickly moved past the whole incident for the time being, so I could enjoy my night with my best friends, and I ended up having a blast! I advise everyone to dance like no one is watching and always have the best time if your life. 


Hey guys! I am Sydney Jones,I am a freshman Mass Media Arts major at Clark Atlanta University. I am from the Grind City, also known as, Memphis, Tennesee. On a regular day, you can find me singing my heart out to old Disney movies and TV shows. I am a radio, television, and film concentration, but I love to write in order to share my stories along with other people's stories. Feel free to connect with me through social media and enjoy!