Black History Month is a special month for everyone, especially a little black girl in a small city. But the problem was that my schools didn’t see it as a priority. So I never got to celebrate like I really should have to understand my culture and my history. Now that I see how my college does it, that’s how I know my school never really cared about black history.
Elementary School
In elementary school, we talked about the well known black activists and black inventors.We would put pictures we drew on the walls and keep them there for most of the month. We talked about some black history but that was only a couple of times out of the whole month. We never celebrated all of it or learned about new people. One day out of the month, we would have a performance after school and sing hymns from the underground railroad. Once I got to fifth grade, I believe we didn’t talk about Black History Month at all. I never noticed as a child because I didn’t know the value of it or saw it celebrated properly.
Middle School
In middle school, we celebrated in a different way. None of my teachers taught about black history specifically for the occasion, but we would have an assembly for everyone in the school. I was in the chorus so we would read the old underground railroad hymns and other songs. We would have a famous or inspiring African American come and speak about their achievements and how they got to where they are in life. We also had a janitor named Mr. Garrett who would do an awesome poem to celebrate, and we would have other performances from singers and others. It was amazing for everyone to be there and bask in the beauty of blackness. But that was the only time we talked about it outside of history class.
High School
Now in high school, we did absolutely nothing. Black History Month was not even spoken about. This is why I never really learned that much about Black History and never had to celebrate it because I wasn’t taught the true value and significance of it for myself. Now my parents taught me some of the value, but it was my church and the internet that really helped to teach me. One day, I realized that in order to celebrate it, I would need to start a committee and work with the school to get it done. Then some things happened in my life, and I couldn’t go through with it. I hope one day that all of my old schools realize that the few black students that they have a need to feel like their history is important too. They need to see that black people have been the backbone of the country, especially after slavery. Black people have invented so much and have made so many strides in this world. It needs to show and be valued by all.
In my college, a group of black people have come together and created a beautiful month for everyone to experience. There are events happening every day by different organizations.Â
It is amazing to see and experience so much black excellence. It should be celebrated every day of the year and not just for one month. I want to learn as much about Black History as possible because I never got the chance as a kid.
Black History Month is important to black people, it teaches our roots and helps us to come together. Now Black History is important to everyone because it has saved and improved the lives of everyone.