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Maria Scheller-Laughing Friends Silly Fun Sunflower Summer Dress Happy
Maria Scheller-Laughing Friends Silly Fun Sunflower Summer Dress Happy
Maria Scheller / Her Campus

Have Your Best Semester Yet with this Spring Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Now that the spring semester is in full swing, it’s time to switch up your routine and try something new! This list of ideas will help you live life to the fullest and make the most of the good weather that will hopefully be here soon! 

Cameron Smith-Girl Smile Happy Colorado Travel Mountains Hiking Trees
Cameron Smith / Her Campus
1. Spend time outside. 

There are so many amazing hikes near UMass. Now that the weather is starting to warm up, be sure to get outside and enjoy the springtime. Bonus points if you get up early and see the sunrise! If you don’t like hiking, take a walk or ride a bike. 

2. Explore a new city.  

Whether you’re finally exploring downtown Amherst or taking a weekend trip to Boston with your friends, it’s great to spend some time off-campus and see a new place.  

3. Find a cool study spot.  

The library can be a great place to do work, but spending hours doing homework there everyday can get boring fast. Try changing up your routine by studying in a new building on campus or a cute café downtown. If you find your study space calming and productive, then reading three chapters of a textbook might not seem so bad.  

Kayla Bacon-Group Yoga Outdoors
Kayla Bacon / Her Campus
4. Try some new workouts.  

Believe it or not, many people have a workout they actually enjoy doing. That sounds crazy to me, but I’ve resolved that I’m going to find a workout I enjoy this semester.  Instead of going on the treadmill for thirty minutes, try a new workout class at the recreation center or register for a 5K with your friends. Mixing up your gym routine will not only make working out more interesting, but it will motivate you to workout more often and help you get better results!  

5. Redecorate your room.

Who said spring cleaning has to be boring? Clean up your dorm with your roommates and pick out some fun new decorations to spruce up your space.  Also, take some time to switch over your closet to your spring wardrobe, so you know what clothes you have before you buy more.  

Jason Briscoe
Jason Briscoe / Unsplash
6. Cook a new meal.  

Making toast is about the extent of my current cooking abilities, but this semester I’m going to pretend to be an adult and try to learn how to cook one meal. Even if you live in a dorm, most buildings have a kitchen space with pots and pans. There are tons of recipes and tutorials online, so pick one that looks delicious and cook a meal to share with your friends!  

7. Host a movie night.  

It’s no secret that college can get stressful, so it’s important to set aside time to have a relaxing girls night in. Grab some fun snacks, turn on your colorful lights, and spend some time hanging out with your friends and eating popcorn.  

8. Give back to the community.  

Volunteering is a great way to help people in need while connecting with others who care about the same things you do. Community service can also be very meaningful and fulfilling. Spend a day helping others; whether you volunteer at an event in the community or serve a meal at a food kitchen, there’s plenty of different ways to give back to the community.


All images are courtesy of the HerCampus Image Library 

Allison Brookhart

U Mass Amherst '23

Ally Brookhart is a senior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is majoring in biochemistry and is interested how science interacts with society. Ally enjoys exploring new places, reading, working out, and playing volleyball.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst