We pride ourselves on being busy.
We brag about how much time we spent in the library, how many club meetings we have going on this week, or how late we stayed up last night partying or cramming for our next exam.
Why is this something to be proud of?
I often find myself putting my worth in my productivity – like if I accomplish [insert amount] in a day I can go to sleep feeling useful. And I think this is pretty common.
I am not proud of those lazy Sundays when all I do is brush my teeth or the times I sit around talking to my friends for way too long.
I feel ashamed of wasted time because that is what our society perpetuates: being busy is synonymous to doing well. In reality, it’s dangerous for our health.
We were never made to work tirelessly from the moment our alarms go off until somewhere between midnight and sunrise. Back when farming was the lifestyle for the majority of people, they worked from sunup until sundown, and yet I find myself working at least four hours past that.
The art of slowing down is difficult to master, especially in this fast-paced world. We base the quality of something on its efficiency, like how quickly we can get our morning coffee or finding the fastest route to every destination.
How can we change our pace?
Slowing down can be simple. It doesn’t necessarily mean we have to sacrifice productivity.
I encourage you to take a deep breath and appreciate the world around you, rather than focusing on your next task.
Redefine what ‘busy’ looks like. ‘Busy’ does not always equal having too much work to do. You can be busy reading a book, going for a walk, or listening to music and having a dance party in your room.
Our work should not consume our lives. Don’t forget the things that keep us human for the sake of an image.