The first time I met Eunice was at a Her Campus event. Now, if you don’t already know, I’m not much of a conversationalist, especially when it comes to being in a new environment. However, as Lights Up by Harry Styles played in the background of the Campus Town apartment, talking to Eunice was very comforting and easy. It’s very easy for me to immediately overthink everything I say, but by the time I left, I actually felt great. Even after that, when I do see her on campus, she’s always ready to help out and have a great time!
But let’s introduce her!
Eunice Olugbile is a junior here at TCNJ, studying Public/Mass Communications accompanied by her minors in Graphic Design and Marketing. You may recognize her from the organizations she is a part of including the i-Tunes Acappella group, Lions Television and her even her articles and amazing designs here on Her Campus.
IMG Source: Eunice Olugbile
I had the chance to ask Eunice some questions about her college experience so far.
What was your favorite part/highlight of your winter break?
I went to Florida with friends! I started planning my next trip as long as I got back.
Talk about your Instagram account (eudesigns)!! What made you get into designing and what else are you hoping to do?
I made this account to share my work that I do for organizations and other people. I do cartoon drawings and other stuff for fun! I’ve been into designing since middle school. I used to photoshop things together and make collages all the time. As I grew older, I discovered more with graphic designing and realized I could eventually make a career out of it. I’m hoping to do something with advertising and eventually become a Social Media Director.
IMG Source: Eunice Olugbile
Looking back at where you were last year, is there anything you wish you had done differently?
Last year was when I started feeling like myself again. I started living my life the way I wanted to live it and setting up healthy boundaries for myself. I’m really happy where I am now, and I wouldn’t change anything!
IMG Source: Eunice Olugbile
What has been the best moment you’ve had at TCNJ so far?
Last semester one of my good friends was my CA. Making 12 am runs with him to Wawa and driving 45 minutes to find clout goggles made my semester so much more eventful. He’s hilarious.
Out of everything you’re a part of on-campus, which one is your favorite?
It’s a close tie between i-Tunes and LTV. I love singing and being with my friends in the group. They’re all insanely talented and I love them all. I love LTV and the people in it too. Everyone is crazy creative, and the videos are so much fun to be a part of!
What are your goals/hopes as you go into your final year of college?
Ahhh, I can’t believe I’m going to be a senior. I hope everything I’ve been working on for the past two decades of my life have prepared me for the future I want to have.
If you haven’t met Eunice I hope that you have the chance to, she’s a positivity spreading queen!