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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Emerson has always been a chapter that likes to take risks, so emailing the chapter network to spotlight different Her Campus Chapters at other schools was no different. One of the schools that we decided to introduce to you is the chapter at Winona, located in Winona Minnesota. The CC’s mentioned that Winona’s “mascot is named Wazoo the Warrior
 and one of our HC writers gets to work as Wazoo!” which HC Emerson thinks is really fun! The chapter was founded in 2014 and they currently have about 25 members.

The chapter is run by an executive board of seven, and in order from left to right in the following picture are: 

  • Allie Westphal: Assistant Social Media Director; Social Work major; junior

  • Hailey Seipel: Co-Campus Correspondent/Editor-in-Chief; English: Applied and Professional Writing major, junior

  • Bailey Rye: Head Events Coordinator; Business Administration major, junior

  • Gretchen Leif: Assistant Events Coordinator; Health Education and Physical Education major; junior

  • Hannah Hippensteel: Co-Campus Correspondent/Editor-in-Chief; Mass Communication: Journalism major, junior

  • Kellen Brandt: Treasurer; Communication in Arts and Literature-Teaching; junior

  • Natalie Tyler: Head Social Media Director; Mass Communication: Creative Digital Media major; junior

Executive Team by Brooke Elisabeth Photography

The chapter wanted to highlight two features from this past year. The first of which is an article regarding body positivity entitled “Hannah-LYZE This: Body Positivity in the 21st Century” by Hannah Hippensteel. The chapter felt that this article was both informative and relatable! The chapter also wanted to highlight an article that was subjected to a lot of buzz around the Winona State University campus. The article is Allie Westphal’s “WSU’s Warriors for Life Has It All Wrong—Here’s Why.” This article showcases the chapter’s strength and the strength of Her Campus as a whole to share voices to make impacts on readers. While this was a bit of a hot-take on the issue, everyone was talking about it, which is what HC Winona is really proud of. 

In addition to the features that HC Winona is publishing, they are also working hard on their profiles. They wanted to highlight two of these. The first article being an article the team thought was absolutely precious: “I Interviewed My Boyfriend in Honor of National Boyfriend Day: Here’s What He Said,” by Tiegue Elliott. The article was written by one of their staff members, and the team felt like it was one of the best done profiles they have had. Additionally, they wanted to highlight a profile written about two staff members Amanda Caudle and Kasey Farace, who met over the internet and now are both members of Her Campus. The article is entitled “Stranger Not-So Danger: I Met My Roommate Online & Now We’re Besties.” For more amazing content, be sure to check out their Her Campus Page! 

Campus Correspondents by Brooke Elisabeth Photography

In addition to creating fun and creative content, the chapter has also been working hard on events! They had a few tabling opportunities where they had responses to different questions turned into content for their site. You can find two of these articles here: 

The chapter has also was able to do pumpkin painting and a fast friends game with their members to help them get to know each other better. They also make sure to do an end-of-semester potluck with their team and hold an award night while they are there. Each member of the team gets a superlative that corresponds to the strengths that they have brought to the chapter over the course of the semester. HC Winona stated that “for example, we call the girl who’s come the most out of her shell with her writing a ‘Madame Butterfly.’ We also give out the three awards for the most incentive points earned in the semester.”

Additionally, they have also had a lot of fun with their team photoshoots. They love them because it forces members out of their comfort zone while allowing them all to talk to each other in between shots. They also participated in the Homecoming parade this year for the first time, and despite the unforgiving Minnesota weather, they had a great time!

HC Winona Team Photo by Brooke Elisabeth Photography

In terms of where the chapter is hoping to go in the course of the next few months, they are really hoping to maintain their Diamond level ranking with Her Campus HQ. Part of that is continuing with their tradition of creative content and events, however, another part is through growing their chapter. If you are looking to get involved with HC Winona you can find them through the posters and flyers that are hung up around campus. Additionally, you can send them an email at hc.winona@hercampus.com. If you are planning on joining though, the CCs want to make sure that you know that “much like the other HC chapters, [HC Winona] is super down-to-Earth and encouraging. A lot of people think you have to be an expert writer to join the club, but [HC Winona] is all about embracing people as they come and strengthening writing style and skills along the way
 with some fun involved, naturally!” Whether you are planning on joinging or not, make sure to give HC Winona a follow on their social pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat: @hercampuswsu)! 

Finally, we asked the chapter what three words they would use to describe themselves, to which the CC’s responded, “Authentic, because everyone is living their whole truth and not afraid to share it on such a large platform; bubbly, because it’s always a good time when we get together; eclectic, because I learn something new each week by reading and publishing the articles because everyone’s interests and passions are so diverse!”

Bonus Questions: 

TS: What Hogwarts house does your chapter most identify with? 

CCs: Ravenclaw or Gryffindor; we’re very loyal to our chapter and the friendships we’ve formed within it. Also, we’re not afraid to speak our minds and also entertain at the same time. 


TS: Is your chapter more cat people or dog people? 

CCs: It’s a pretty even split actually!


TS: Does your chapter identify more with beaches or lakes? 

CCs: Being a chapter from Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes, I think the answer to that is pretty clear! 


TS: What time of year (semester, trimester, quarter) has the best classes to add to your schedules? 

CCs: I think it really depends on the major! Fall semester has some awesome opportunities for great photography projects. 

*All photos provided by HC Winona*

Talia is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Emerson. Talia is also a Chapter Advisor, Region Leader, and HSA Advisor. She has previously worked as an intern for the national headquarters of Her Campus in the community management department. Talia is a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College in a 4+1 combined bachelor's and master's program in publishing. She is an aspiring writer and publisher. Talia is known for living life with her journal, a pen, and three lovely cats.