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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Just like many other citizens, you probably feel discouraged about whether your voice actually matters in this present political climate. It could be that officials you feel aren’t suitable for office are being elected, a law you disapprove of was passed, a political representative is seemingly overlooking an issue important to you, or more. Either way, I can completely understand and relate. Nonetheless, allow me to reassure you: Your voice actually does matter!


Our country, the United States of America, was founded upon principles that established and advocated for freedom and democracy. Our Founding Fathers wished to do away with tyranny for good. You can even refer back to the U.S. Constitution for a listed analysis of those principles.


No established government is perfect. Luckily, there is always room to progress towards better. Progression towards a better civilization in a democracy requires efforts from both parties – the citizens and elected officials. So don’t be disheartened or pessimistic because the role you have is actually essential in order to keep our established government’s wheels turning.


You may be unsure about how to increase your political participation or where to even start. Don’t worry! I will list and briefly discuss 4 ways you can utilize your voice:


Become a registered voter and vote.

It’s our right! You can become a registered voter online or in-person at your local voter registration office. The process is not lengthy plus it’s free. After registering, be sure to exercise your right by voting in elections whether it is city, state or national level.

Follow or subscribe to any form of legit political news.

The majority of us are always on our phones and on-the-go. However, you can stay up to date with recent news regarding politics and government by following or subscribing to any form of legit political news. It could be a Facebook or Instagram page, website, radio station, YouTube channel, application, etc.


Attend events such as protests or city council meetings.

We are all passionate about our opinions and that is totally fine. We were granted the freedom of speech, press, and protest. As long as you do not pose harm to others, those rights can be exercised. You can even organize or attend a protest. Attending city council meetings are also a good way to increase your political participation locally. You are most affected by the decisions of officials on the local level so it’ll be beneficial to learn about what’s occurring within your local government.

Donate your time and/or money to a candidate you support.

If there is a particular campaign candidate you strongly support, you can personally get involved by volunteering or contributing financially. Your financial contribution can be reoccurring or a one-time thing. Your volunteer service that doesn’t have to be long or labor-intensive. It could be as simple as passing out the candidate’s business cards or pamphlets. Whichever you decide, it will be very helpful to the candidate running for office.

Ciara Childs

Georgia Southern '23

Ciara Childs, CPhT is a Political Science undergraduate student at Georgia Southern University. She is a native of Albany, Georgia. Her hobbies include traveling, learning, writing, cooking, and meditating. Ciara's philosophy of life would be best described by Maya Angelou's quote "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.