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You Can Win an All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Germany. We Tell You How

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Companies that innovate are the ones that stay alive. After all, in an ever-changing word, the ones that don’t adapt are more likely to be forgotten. That’s one of the reasons why Wirecard, one of the world’s fastest-growing digital platforms in the area of financial commerce, released Innovation Challenge. Seeking for disruptive ideas about payment solutions, the global challenge`s proposal is: how can your idea inspire the future of payment?

If you believe you can answer this question, you should consider submitting your idea, in english with a group of maximum 3 people, to Innovation Challenge’s official website. Besides having your proposal published in Wirecard’s global report (which will look good on your resume), you can also earn an all-expenses-paid trip to Germany! 

Three teams will be chosen to present a Live Pitch in Munich, Germany, and the winner will earn another trip! Those who made the final cut will have the chance to go to one of the coolest tech events of the year (e.g. Slush, SXSW, DLD) and have flight, hotel, tickets and travel budget paid by Wirecard.

The judges are looking for creative ideas that can re-imagine the way we pay. The proposals have to either a) help Wirecard support the highly mobile lifestyle of their future users, b) put the customer or society at the center of the purchase journey, engaging them by building trust, or c) incorporate and apply new technologies such as AI, AR or VR, and/or the Internet of Things into payments to solve customer pain points. The jury will not consider the presentation itself, but the idea in it, so no need to worry about hiring a professional designer to make your proposal look pro. 

Innovation Challenge won’t accept any more ideas till December 2nd, so hurry up and hope to pack your bags soon!

Teresa is majoring in Journalism and is President of Her Campus Casper LĂ­bero. She's passionate about classical music and is always open to talking about technology.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.