Being in college is a total adventure, even with the bad moments. You get to meet different people, discover a lot of big opportunities, and last but not least, you improve your knowledge thanks to your classes; but, what about that time when the semester is almost done? Where do all the hopes and goals go?
By this time, we are probably falling apart with homework, exams, work, etc. and feel unmotivated. It’s okay to cry, get mad and feel confused about your future plans in college. However, let me tell you something: I believe in you.
I believe in your hard work every day, because even when you feel like you did nothing; you improve your knowledge. I believe in your emotions and your breakdowns, because we are not perfect and it is okay to fall down and start renewed. I believe you are capable of doing whatever you want, because it doesn’t matter if you want to be a lawyer, a teacher, an artist, a doctor or any other profession, I know you will be amazing at it. I believe in you because you are more than good or bad grades, because you are learning.
Also, I encourage you to keep working just the way you are; because you are in a rough path that will end soon and the satisfaction will fulfill you. Be close to those friends who always encourage you to be better every day, those who motivate you to work hard; but mostly, believe in yourself and remember you are capable of doing anything you set your mind on.