1. Journaling
I have kept a journal since 2nd Grade consistently and it has become almost a habit for me to grab my pen at the end of the night. It is cathartic to reflect on the best or worst parts of your day and can help relieve the stress that’s on your mind. In an environment with so many new faces freshman year, you can feel lost on who to talk to if you are stressed out. Having a journal to write everything down is the perfect way to organize your thoughts- it will help more than you can imagine!
2. Gym/ Spin classes
At home, I loved to go to the gym as part of my daily routine. Of course, coming to Wake I was living in fear of the infamous “freshman 15,” so I worked hard to incorporate the gym into my new life. Besides staying in shape, it is also the perfect way to take your mind off of class and other stressors. There are so many group fitness classes offered here. Take advantage of them! Personally, I love to go to spin classes with friends and pedal to the music. In just 30 or 45 minutes, you feel much more accomplished for that day. The massage chairs in the gym are amazing and not enough people use them! Getting a 15 minute (or 40 minute) massage at the end of my workout is often my motivation to go to the gym in the first place.
3. Making my bed every morning
This is short and to the point, but I read an article for my seminar that said making your bed every morning can lead you to have a more fulfilling life. I put this into practice and can say it is much nicer to come back at night to a neatly made bed than a messy pile of sheets. Something that small can make a huge impact at the end of the day.
4. Having a routine
Get a routine going! Wake up at a certain time, know where you want to do your homework, plan time for extracurriculars and don’t stay up until 2 am cramming for a test. With a routine comes good time management and that can make all the difference in your grades, social life, and mental health. It also makes your new college campus feel more like a home when you have a routine to fall back on like you did growing up.
5. Keeping busy
The transition into freshman year is often extremely difficult because of homesickness or struggling to find your place. By staying busy you not only are more likely to forget about those feelings but you can also find friends by getting more involved. There are hundreds of events to attend or clubs to join. Get out there; don’t just stay in your room! No matter how tempting it is to curl up with Netflix- go meet people, say yes to things, and focus your energy on your new home.