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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Who is Georgia Dettman? Georgia is currently a second year here on the hill. She is originally from Baltimore, Maryland but now calls Hillside home. She is ~crushing~ the academic grind with an environmental policy major and managerial economics minor. Georgia spent her first semester in Dijon, France but has made quite the impact since arriving on campus last January. Georgia is involved in club volleyball, the feminist alliance club, Colby Dancers, and works as a fellow at the admissions office. 


Dining hall? Bobs. I can always rely on the classic peanut butter and banana toast!

Place on campus? Davis connects. There’s always beautiful lighting and it’s a great place to get work done and chat with friends. 

Movie? The Sound of Music 

Book? The Outsiders  

Holiday? Thanksgiving. I love the coziness, good people, good food, and cooking with my family! 

Things to do off-campus? Visit Freeport, go on day hikes, walk around Portland for the day and try new restaurants.

What is your dream job? Veterinarian because I love animals. It doesn’t really fit in with an environmental policy major and a managerial economics minor, but I just think it would be the coolest job.

If you could live anywhere for a year, where would you live? Seattle. It’s a little out of my comfort zone because it’s so far away, but it’s up and coming and everything moves a little bit faster there. 

Who do you admire most? My professors. Teaching is really difficult but it’s probably the most important job there and I have a lot of respect for people who can do it and find joy in educating others. 

Fun Fact! I love traveling, and one of my goals is to travel to every continent in my life!   

Sophomore at Colby College!