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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Ever since my parents brought me with them to vote, I’ve been excited to do it myself. To me, voting is a huge opportunity that I am able to participate in that can help change America. However, I know a lot of people don’t feel the same way I do. So, for the people that don’t want to vote in this upcoming election, this one’s for you.

It’s easy

You can register to vote online and request an absentee ballot! All you have to do is know some information on yourself, like your name, birthday, the address you would like to vote from, and the last four digits of your social security number, and voilà, you just took some steps to vote.

It’s one of your rights

I know you have probably heard this reason again and again, but it’s a real big one. Girls think about it! We weren’t even allowed to vote in elections until 1920! Don’t let down the women before us who fought for our right to vote. 

We can make a difference 

Young voters are more open-minded and more progressive than a lot of the older voters. We also account for half of the votes in the entire United States. This means our votes can help elect America’s leaders who have the same views as we do.

You can research all the candidates

If you’re worried about being an uneducated voter, all you have to do is Google. The Internet is one of the easiest ways to become more educated on the individuals who are running.

You’ll care in the future

So, if you don’t care now, and feel like voting doesn’t affect you, think about into the future. We can have a president for four to eight years. Imagine all the changes that can occur to student debt, healthcare, the economy, Planned Parenthood, and more in that time frame

Voting is essential in a democracy. It’s a way to make a country become the best it can be. Here are some websites that will allow you to be an educated voter. You can register to vote online at https://vote.gov, you can get an absentee ballot at https://www.vote.org/absentee-ballot/, and here where you can get to know the candidates, https://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm.



A PSU junior majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Digital Media Trends and Analytics who has an impressive skill of quoting any Parks and Rec episode word for word.
Bailey McBride is a Senior at Penn State University pursuing a Broadcast Journalism degree with minors in Political Science and Digital Media Trends & Analytics. She is a sister of Delta Gamma. She enjoys making hyper-organizational lists and looking at future pups to adopt. Her dream job is to be Press Secretary of the White House.