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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

As fast-paced, busy-minded college students, we’re often quick to put kindness in the back seat. The simple concept of empathy is incredibly underestimated, yet its impact is powerful, especially in the world we find ourselves in today.


Kindness has always played a large role in my life. Ever since I was young, I’ve always considered myself a more reserved person. The majority of my opinions and emotions tend to stay in the comfort of my own mind. Acting as merely part of the whole, I once struggled to appreciate the role that one small voice could have. I have now come to realize that kindness knows no volume. Even a quiet soul can leave lasting impacts with the intentions of kindness. In essence, that’s the beauty of it. 


In many ways, compassion and small acts of kindness have changed my perspective on living. I’ve learned tolerance for the people and ideas that I don’t fully understand. I’ve learned the importance of living in the present moment. But perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned that being kind to others is impossible without first being kind to yourself. This is no easy task to conquer. Self-acceptance takes time, and it also takes a great deal of courage – a trait that doesn’t come naturally to many. This love that festers within will eventually prompt a growing love for others, otherwise known as kindness.


Something that took me quite some time to realize was that an act does not need to be extraordinary for it to be considered a gesture of kindness. It is for this very reason that the practice of this simple concept is so underestimated. Seemingly trivial acts of kindness in turn prompt those around you to do the same, creating a ripple effect of giving and empathy. But there will also be times when acts of kindness are not reciprocated. There will be some who view the act of spreading kindness as a delusional vision of unachievable world peace. There will be some who claim that kindness aims to move mountains that simply cannot be moved. There will be some who accuse acts of kindness as ingenuine or superficial. Be kind anyway.


It’s easy to forget that every person is in a constant battle with their own demons. We often get so caught up in our busy schedules and daily stressors that we fail to recognize the struggles of those around us. So use this as a reminder to spread positivity to those who may need some extra love – or to those who may seem to be doing just fine! Flash a smile to someone who looks like they’re having a tough day. Tell the people you love that you love them. Take the time to uplift others, you just might save a life. 



Image: https://www.johnston.k12.nc.us/domain/8920


Senior at Saint Michael's College majoring in Public Health with a Chemistry minor. Lover of good people and the great outdoors.
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.