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3 Things to Remember During Your Last Semester of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

So, you’re about to graduate. Every day is an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes your heart is full as you look back on what you’ve accomplished. Other times you think about leaving your friends and classmates behind and the sadness hits you like a brick wall. You’re motivated, then you’re de-motivated. You’re excited, then you’re terrified. But here are three things you can be sure of during this whirlwind time in your life.

You’re not alone

Sometimes it might feel like everybody except you has life all figured out. But the truth is, lots of others are feeling the same way! Going from college to the “real world” is a big step, and even the most polished person in class probably has some of the same worries you do. This is the time to lean on your friends and peers. Don’t be afraid to talk to them about how you’re feeling. Chances are, they can relate!

It’s okay to have doubts

Right now, there are a lot of unknowns. Thinking about all the choices you have to make might make your head spin with questions. Did I choose the right major? Did I take the right internship? What kinds of jobs or grad programs should I even apply for?

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember to give yourself grace. The next step on your journey might feel monumental, but, in reality, it’s just another stepping stone. Hopefully, your grad program or first job is something that you enjoy and learn from, but, if not, that’s okay. You’re only just graduating undergrad! You’ve got the rest of your life to figure things out.

You are accomplished

In the middle of all that doubt, it’s all too easy to compare yourself to others. You might look at the list of internships on your friend’s resume and feel like you didn’t do enough. But don’t forget to look at the big picture: you’re about to graduate college! That in itself is an accomplishment, no matter what else is on your resume. Instead of beating yourself up for what you didn’t do, think about all the great things you have done.

Even keeping these things in mind, your final semester of college will still be an emotional rollercoaster. It’s hard to sit back and relax when you’re on the verge of such a big transition, but don’t forget to take advantage of being a UNCW student during these last few months. Take a walk on Wrightsville Beach, wear your teal, and try to enjoy the little things.

Photos courtesy of Giphy

Victoria is a Communication Studies major graduating this fall. She loves writing, travel, and everything Wilmington.