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Calling All Millennials and GenZers: We Have The Power in This Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

The upcoming 2019 federal election marks the very first time that voters born between the years 1980 and 2000 will make up the biggest voting bloc in Canada. Whether you know it or not, your single vote can change the course of our future – for better or for worse. Here are some reasons why it is important to vote if you’re considered a Millennial or GenZer:

Times are changing, and so are we.

Yes, it’s true. We live in a society that is ever-changing, continuously progressing and learning from our mistakes. It is only right that we have a government reflective of our values and beliefs. Growing up in the age of rapid technology, with a collective goal of greater equality and less tolerance for discrimination, we are distinctive from any other generation before us.

We have access to information at the click of a button. News is shared on social media platforms with the ability to reach millions of people within a few seconds; this type of power has changed the way we live in the world. We aren’t blind to issues happening in other countries, we can fact-check every statement that we come across, and we can educate ourselves on just about any topic you can imagine from the comfort of our bed. We, therefore, have the ability to promote our values and beliefs on a global scale, as do our political leaders. This means that we must choose wisely who is best fit to represent and properly navigate the new era we find ourselves in today. 

We can determine the future we envision for ourselves.

Your political choices should boil down to one question: what do you envision for yourself in the future? Do you want the right to publicly funded education? Do you want to pay greater taxes in order to help those living on welfare? Do you want to live in a country who places greater importance on taking action towards climate change? Do you want to maintain or change the provision of firearm laws in Canada?

Of course, these questions are stated in black-and-white terms. In reality, all of the issues mentioned are incredibly complex and require deep thinking about who best represents your beliefs. It is therefore completely necessary to educate yourself on each candidate and their promises rather than blindly voting or choosing not to vote at all.

Ultimately, it’s your civic duty.

Once you turn 18, you get to have a say in the operation of the government and what you want to see in the country you live in. In many countries, citizens do not have the ability to vote; this can be due to gender, status, or the absence of a democratic system that we have here in Canada. Consider yourself lucky to have this right.

If you decide not to vote in this upcoming election, you waive all rights to the expression of your dissatisfaction with government policies. It is simply not fair to voluntarily exempt yourself from the voting process and subsequently express all the things that you think the government is doing wrong. So what’s the solution? Just vote! 


Jordan Best

Queen's U '21

Jordan Best is a Psychology student at Queen's University. She loves travelling, meeting new people, and spending time with friends. She hopes to share her advice and experiences in life through her writing.
HC Queen's U contributor