Ah, Greek Week. Some may absolutely love the busy, activity-filled week while others may get anxious just from the mere thought of an event-filled week. The whole week is used as a way to create unity and fun for all social Greek organizations on campus. Every college or university does things differently during Greek Week, but here’s what we do at Penn State Behrend.Â
Source: Penn State Behrend
In the past few years, the events throughout the week have definitely changed. Some have stayed tried and true like Chariot Race, Tug of War and even volleyball. Some trial and error events that have happened in the past are Pool Gladiators, soccer, different forms of trivia, and flag football.Â
Source: ASA Behrend
Greek Week for the past few years has been held in the spring, but with formal recruitment for all of Greek Life being moved to the spring semester and almost all formals for all 8 organizations being held in the spring. As you can tell, spring semester is already pretty busy for all of Greek Life, because of that Greek Week is being held in the fall this year! It’s a trial and error period for all of us because many are used to Greek Week in the spring and it has been in the spring for almost all of our undergraduate experiences.Â
Source: AST Behrend
It’s an overall fun, but definitely time consuming week. There’s events every night that involve participation from at least 3 members of each organization. Usually, we also have our big shabang of Greek Sing at the end of the week but because of the semester switch for the whole week, Greek Life decided to make Greek Week and Greek Sing two separate events. Greek Sing will most likely occur in the spring at about the time it always has. This year, we’re ending Greek Week with Greek Bingo, and even an all organization formal! Although things this year are a little different than the norm, it should still be a really fun week and we will all be able to have a good time with all 8 organizations together! Happy Greek Week!!