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5 Tips to Enter the School Year Without Fear

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

I don’t know about you, but when summer starts to end and the school year is looming in the distance, I get this deep set anxiety because the oncoming stress of school is something I can’t handle. This is despite the fact that I have now completed three years of college education. The stress that comes with it is something I know I can overcome because I have before. I believe this anxious, scared feeling comes from the fact that there is no routine in place. Things are chaotic: I am adding and dropping classes, figuring out club activities and meetings, and working all at the same time. I know that preparing for all of that is going to be stressful so I avoid it and combined with challenging myself with new things every year creates this anxious anticipation. 

So here are a few tips and tricks that I wish I had followed in my previous years in order to prepare for the upcoming school year. These tips will help whether you are a freshman or a senior!


  1. Clean Everything 

This is a pretty basic start, but what I mean by this is don’t start your year with your house a mess. Clean your room, especially if you have just moved into a new apartment or a dorm. Do not leave all those boxes packed and all of your clutter without a place by saying “I’ll get to it when I have more time” because guess what? You will not have time when you start classes, so clean now, not later. 

  1. Know Your Schedule

This one also seems obvious, but one to remember nonetheless. Often I figure out my class schedule and then figure that’s that. However, it turns out that I usually still have to schedule out time to study, time for work, and then time to chill. A handy application that UC Irvine has to help figure all of this out is: https://antalmanac.com/ . This site allows you to schedule in all your classes and any other activities you are involved in a really clear and easy way!

  1. Syllabus 

As soon as you get your sillabi enter all the dates into your planner or calendar so that you know when things are due. Another simple one but often forgotten in hopes of doing it later. I like to do even the tiny assignments at least for the entire month that way I have control over my schedule and don’t have to keep looking back at the syllabus. 

  1. Morning and Night routine

A helpful start to the year is to begin with a simple morning and night routine. Start this before the school year begins to get you into the flow of things. Try to find a common time to go to bed and wake up everyday that way once the school year starts it’s like a piece of cake to wake up for your 8am! 

  1. Time to Relax

Finally, find the small moments to do something you enjoy. Take some time away from your phone and the busy schedule you know is waiting for you to just spend time with yourself. Use this to: work out, plan some life goals, do some painting, or watch a good movie. This is to remind yourself that even though your schedule is packed, it’s important to give yourself some down time. 


There they are, my five tips to help you ease into the school year without that anxious feeling! I hope some of these helped you and if they did, feel free to comment on our instagram to let us know!


Jenna Morehouse

UC Irvine '20

Jenna is a third year Film and Media Studies major at UCI, she enjoys plants, Sci if movies, and photography! Follow her on Instagram @jene.vie.ve