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Cameron Smith / Her Campus

How to Park on MTSU’s Campus for Commuters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MTSU chapter.

Have you ever tried to find a parking spot on campus but find that the first three lots you visit are already full? Have you searched for a parking spot for over 30 minutes and ended up late to class because you could not find a spot? Well, there are ways to avoid the commuter madness of finding a parking spot. Here are some tips on how to find a spot when you arrive on MTSU’s campus.


1. Know What Lots to Park In

Using the MTSU Mobile App or by getting a map of the campus at the Student Union front desk, you can find all of the lots that commuters can park in. Commuters can park in Green Lots only. Most lots include a sign at its entrance that tells you what color parking pass you need in order to park there. If the lot gives a stated time, you can park any time after that time even if you do not have the correct colored pass (just be sure to move your car in the morning if you end up staying in a building overnight).


2. Arrive Early

This is a no brainer but arriving early actually helps. It might be hard to get up early in the morning to drive to school, but those several extra minutes to an extra half hour actually help. If you want to park close to your class in the smaller parking lots, such as the Ezell lot to park close to BRAGG or Honors building, arriving early is key. To ensure you get a spot, it is best to arrive no later than 7:00 a.m. By 7:15 a.m., that lot in particular is already full. If you have a night class, parking spots tends to open up by 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. in the lots closest to buildings.


3. Utilize the Parking Garages

On campus there are two parking garages. There is the Champion Way Garage and MTSU Blv Garage. It is very easy to see if they are full or not looking at the sign out front. The sign outside of the garages tells you whether or not the garages are full.


4. Use the Buses

There are three bus routes on campus: the red route, the green route and the blue route. You can view where the buses are and where the routes go to on campus using the MTSU Mobile App. With the buses, you can park throughout campus and not have to worry about walking a long distance. There are typically several buses per route at a time. The app is not always accurate with the bus location, but it is still reliable. At night, the blue and green bus route combine. If you’re unsure where a route goes, just wait at a bus stop and when a bus arrives ask a bus driver if they are going to where you are going. Buses tend to stop running at 10:00 p.m.


5. Do Not Walk to Your Car by Yourself

Although it is annoying to wait for a bus sometimes, it is always best to never walk across campus in the dark to go to your car. Either see if you can have a friend walk with you and you can drop them off at their dorm or call Raider Patrol and they will send someone to escort you safely to your car.


Those are just a few ways that you can ease the stress of being a commuter to MTSU. As long as you arrive early, know where to park and when and use the services MTSU provides, then parking should be a breeze!


Hello! I am the editor of the Her Campus at MTSU Student Chapter. Being an Animation major and Art minor at MTSU, I enjoy all things animated as well as creating digital art. I also love animals and own a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a parrot, and a dozen chickens. There is never a dull moment for me!