Name: Emily
Position: Vice PR Secretary
Degree: Bmus Music (3rd Year)
Age: 19
What made you join Her Campus?
Last year, Mauragh (Vice Social) very excitedly told me all about it and brought me along with her to the first writers meeting. After that I joined because I loved the friendly vibe of the group and as someone that loves to write, I was really interested in getting back into it and writing about anything and everything I wanted – instead of only writing for uni essays.
What is your fave HCAU memory?
I think my favourite has to be the meal we had after the AGM! I had just been voted in as Vice PR and it was so lovely to chat with everyone about all the plans that we were excited to start the following semester. It was such a nice way to round off my first year with HC and reflect upon all the new friendships I’d been lucky enough to make.
So, you are part of NYCOS -The national youth choir of Scotland and have participated in shows with Scottish Opera, what is your fave thing about performing?
This is such a good question but it’s so difficult to answer! I guess it’s being able to share whatever it is you’ve created, either musically and/or dramatically. That and it’s a lot of fun! I love the whole creative process of developing an idea and continuing to work on it until you reach the final version. In choir/a cappella my favourite thing is being a part of such a big beautiful sound – it’s such a special, unique feeling and always reminds me why I love to sing. In opera, I love bringing together all the different elements of the performance: singing, acting, movement/dancing, set, costume and lighting, all to tell the audience a story and show them new ideas.
What would be your dream role or show to be in?
If I had to pick one role to sing it would have to be The Queen of the Night, from Mozart’s Magic Flute. Her aria is truly iconic and it’s the first piece of opera music I ever heard – it’s what got me interested in opera singing it in the first place!
What are 3 things you can’t live without?
A constant supply of music
24-hour access to 120 (the music student computer room)
Tell us something we don’t know about you
I used to foster rabbits for a charity called Fairly Beloved Rabbit Care. I sadly had to stop when I moved away for uni but I used to look after neglected bunnies; feeding them and changing their water, cleaning their hutch, getting them out to play ad finding them new toys, giving them medicine and showing them lots of love and attention before they found their new forever homes. I miss getting to cuddle bunnies whenever I want!
Quick Fire
Summer or winter?
Tea or coffee?
Favourite performance you’ve been in?
West Side Story in the EIF this Summer – it was my first professional gig and SO MUCH FUN!
Breakfast food or dinner food?
Dream person to perform with, dead or alive?
Honestly, the dream is to perform professionally with my incredibly talented friends (as GROSSÂ as that is)!