Ladies, we’ve all been there. Whether you first encountered a player in middle school, high school, or finally the feeding ground for f**kboys, college, it’s inevitable. These creatures may be hard to spot at first – but don’t worry! We are here to help you avoid the misery of getting caught in their trap. Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to tell whether or not you’re dealing with a player.Â
Question #1 – Does he talk to you during the week or only on weekends? Sorry to break it to you but if your man is hitting you up at 3 am on Saturday after a night of going out drinking, he probably only wants sex.Â
Question #2 – Does he hide his phone when you are together or turn away when answering a message? If so, he is probably asking her if she’s up instead. Also, if after he does this and you call him out and he says he needs to go help his grandmother move some furniture, odds are he is going to some other chicks house to get a nut.Â
Question #3- Does he only reach out to you when it’s convenient for him but any time you ask him to hangout he’s “busy?” If your man seems to be busy every single time you want to hangout with him but miraculously free at his random ass times, he’s probably a f**kboy.Â
Question #4- Is he surrounded by girls at every party and do they seem to be really touchy feely for just being his “friends?” We’ve never seen a friend grab their friend’s junk before so that should be a clear sign to you that he’s bagging/ trying to bag those girls.Â
Final Question- When you guys do hookup, does he ever stay the night? On the other hand, if you go to his place does he make an excuse as to why you need to leave? We get it, once in a while a sleepover might not happen. Maybe he’s claustrophobic, maybe he’s a sweaty sleeper, but maybe he’s just a f**kboy.Â