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Wellness > Mental Health

Social Media Breaks: Why They Are Necessary for Your Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your explore feed on Instagram full of perfectly-proportioned girls with bronzed skin on a beach in the Maldives. You’re sitting in your bed eating ramen while Netflix asks, “Are you still there?” before the 8th episode starts. And so, the cycle of comparison begins. You scroll, you hit like, and you feel bad about yourself. The truth is, a break from these apps can really help people who feel trapped by the shackles of social media. Here are a few reasons why:

No one’s life is as perfect as they want you to think it is

Who wants to snap a selfie post-break up of their smudged makeup and empty ice cream boxes? Who wants to talk about the huge argument they got into with their best friend before work? No one sure as hell posts photos of their electric bill to start off the day. Why? Because social media broadcasts the triumphs and highlights of people’s lives. Comparing your low point to others’ high points will leave you feeling unfulfilled with your own life. Staying off social media, whether it be for a few days or a few weeks, will shed some perspective on this.

You have more time to be present

Instead of scrolling through your feed wishing you were dining at Nobu in LA, put down your phone and enjoy the dinner you’re having with your family. Go have a conversation with your siblings or your parents. Go on a walk with your dog. Chances are, anything else will be more productive than sitting on your phone wishing your situation was different. Don’t wish away the best years of your life engulfed in technology, because once you look up from the screen, time will have passed you by.

You are more likely to practice gratitude

Following Tip #2 comes the ability to analyze your life and feel thankful for the things and people that surround you. When you finally learn to be present and look around at what you have without constantly comparing it to others, you can find peace in your blessings. 

Take a break from the constant flow of jealousy that comes with social media, and you will feel more grounded. You may not have all the perks that an Instagram influencer has, but you certainly have people that love you, a roof over your head, and good food. And that’s all you need in life.

Hopefully you give yourself the chance to take a break from social media at some point. Start off slow, delete some apps for the day. Next time try a week. A cleanse in any duration may be surprisingly beneficial to your perspective on life.

Jordan Best

Queen's U '21

Jordan Best is a Psychology student at Queen's University. She loves travelling, meeting new people, and spending time with friends. She hopes to share her advice and experiences in life through her writing.
HC Queen's U contributor